open source, open genomics, open creation
04 June 2008
And talking of fabbers, this is cool (and open source): Adrian (left) and Vik (right) with a parent RepRap machine, made on a conventional ...
Hacking the Analogue
This digital stuff is all very well, but how can you hack it? Well, maybe along the lines of these hackable T-shirts : C-Shirt shirts each ...
Digistanis of the World, Unite!
On Open Enterprise blog .
TheyWorkForYou Wants YouToWorkForThem
Talking of wisdom of crowds, here 's one of my favourite sites, TheyWorkForYou, attempting to harness it in order to make politics more ...
Harvesting the Wisdom of Crowds
Here's a clever idea : use customer reviews to fine-tune your product description. After all, reviews by their very nature tend to be b...
Ace Acer
Computer manufacturers are beginning to see the light: Acer sees two killer apps with Linux on computers: operation and cost. Its flavour o...
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Open Fashion
There is a theoretical framework (at least) around the fashion industry that supports the argument that nothing is an original idea. The fas...
The Ultimate Ultraportable?
On Open Enterprise blog .
03 June 2008
Microsoft Backtracks Further on Windows XP
This is getting truly hilarious : Microsoft has further extended the life of Windows XP so that computer makers can include the operating sy...
Munich Makes Good
On Open Enterprise blogs .
02 June 2008
Sifry Rides Again
On Open Enterprise blogs .
Opening the Floodgates
One thing I've never understood is why more low-cost PC manufacturers don't routinely include free software with their offerings. A...
Not Just a Flash in the Pan
On Open Enterprise blog .
30 May 2008
Desperately Seeking Paglo
On Open Enterprise blog .
Blender's Big Buck Bunny
Is out : As a follow-up to the successful project Orange’s “Elephants Dream”, the Blender Foundation initiated another open movie project. A...
Absurdistan Strikes Again
A little while back I was bemoaning this kind of stuff : Unbelievably it calls itself Digistan, apparently to indentify with the fascist ter...
The Meaning of Open Source
On Linux Journal .
29 May 2008
Two Poisonous Proposals: Patents and Chlorine
We have a new enemy, it seems. It's called the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC), and here's one sharp analysis of what it'...
Microsoft Admits Being Half-Open Doesn't Work
On Open Enterprise blog .
ID Cards: Scandalous as Well as Idiotic
This is outrageous : A Conservative government would have to compensate suppliers of the National Identity Scheme for lost profits as well a...
Taxing Intellectual Monopolies
Here's an interesting thought : He also reported research that demonstrates patent renewal fees can be used to improve the innovation in...
Er, Yes, and What About the AGPL?
Here's a post explaining Google's support for just seven open source licences: The trend around licensing is obvious: GPLv2/GPLv3 r...
28 May 2008
I Love Smell of Private Copying Levies in the Morning
If the media industry wants to make sure that everyone will start copying content and generally handing it around to all their mates, this ...
OOo, Look: oooPortal
One of the heartening developments in recent years is the way that just goes from strength to strength. Reflecting that grow...
Keep Your Eyes Open
On Open Enterprise blog .
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