open source, open genomics, open creation
29 January 2010
EU's Gallo Report: Rubbish Recycled
I've noted several times an increasingly popular trope of the intellectual monopolists: since counterfeiting is often linked with organi...
28 January 2010
Uncommonly Good Post on the Commons
Wow: this is the best single post I have ever read on the commons (and I've read a few): The commons as a common paradigm for social mo...
Of Art and Copyright
This is going to become a really contentious area: Many museums and art libraries have digitized their collections of artworks. Digital ima...
Why Hackers Will Save the World, Part 37828
The ideas in this PhD thesis , which is rather heavy going but has its heart in the right place, may be familiar to readers of this blog: A ...
setiQuest: Out of this World Free Software
I'm constantly amazed and heartened by the new domains in which free software is turning up. Here's a nice one: setiQuest . For cen...
27 January 2010
Recalibrating Intellectual Monopolies
For the last half-century or so, there has been an implicit acceptance that the more intellectual monopolies we have, the better (even if it...
Major Victory Against Neo-colonial Patents
Patents are bad enough, because they enclose knowledge. But when they steal that knowledge from the lore of traditional medicine, it's ...
Enter the (Big) Dragon
As part of my continuing service to report on the fascinating developments in the Chinese chip sector, I pass on the following : It's of...
26 January 2010
United Against the Digital Economy Bill
As readers of this blog will be well aware, the UK's Digital Economy Bill is currently grinding its way through Parliament. At the momen...
25 January 2010
Why There is no Kernel Hacker Sell-Out
As you may have noticed, posting to this blog was light last week, as in non-existent (OK, so you didn't notice.) This was because I was...
19 January 2010
Right Royal Society Scandal
People are getting excited about the news that William Stukeley's Life of Newton is now available online, apple-falling tales inclusive...
15 January 2010
Declaring War on European Computer Users
The eagle-eyed Monica Horten has spotted something: Following a question on counterfeiting and piracy from Italian MEP Salvini, Michel Barn...
SABIP Finally Enters 21st Century
It looks like at least one government department, the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy (SABIP), is starting to get ...
13 January 2010
How Solid is the Great Firewall of China?
Here's the best description I've read of the situation: Anybody inside China who really wants to get to -- or BBC or what...
Going Googly in China
The news that Google was no longer prepared to censor its search results in China has a number of interesting and important aspects. First,...
12 January 2010
Stop the "Stop and Search" Shame
How can a government minister be so shameless as this ? Policing and Security Minister David Hanson MP said: ”Stop and search under section ...
11 January 2010
What "Nothing to Hide" is Hiding
As governments around the world - but particular in the UK - increase the surveillance of their hapless citizens, one argument above all is ...
Is Richard Stallman Mellowing?
Richard Stallman is sometimes presented as a kind of Old Testament prophet, hurling anathemas hither and thither (indeed, I've been guil...
Mozilla Starts to Follow a New Drumbeat
I've written often enough about Firefox and its continuing steady gains of browser market share. Here's another nice stat: Roughly k...
In Praise of TinyOgg
The Ogg sound and video formats finally seem to be gaining some traction; the only problem is that few of the major sites employ it - Flash ...
10 January 2010
Personal Luggage *Will* be Subject to ACTA
One of the fairy tales being told about the oppressive ACTA is that it's only going to apply to large-scale criminal offenders, and that...
08 January 2010
Help Stop EU Software Patents – Again
A few years back, there was a fierce battle between those wishing to lock down software with patents, and those who wanted to keep copyright...
04 January 2010
E-book Industry Gets E-diotic
Learning nothing from the decade-long series of missteps by the music industry, publishers want to repeat that history in all its stupidity...
03 January 2010
Why Extending the DNA Database is Dangerous
Part of the problem with extending the DNA database is that doing so increases the likelihood of this happening: After a seven-day trial, J...
02 January 2010
This Reminds Me of Something...
Interesting piece about the problems of remembering as we grow older: if you are primed with sounds that are close to those you’re trying t...
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