open source, open genomics, open creation
30 November 2010
Why I'm Rooting for Microsoft
It will not have escaped your notice that the patent system has been the subject of several posts on this blog, or that the general tenor is...
29 November 2010
Dissecting the Italian Non-Squirrel
A couple of days ago I wrote about the deal between the regional government of Puglia and Microsoft, noting that it was frustrating that we...
What's New about the Novell deal?
The announcement that Attachmate would acquire Novell for $2.2 billion has naturally provoked a flurry of comments and analyses in the free ...
Wikileaks: the Web Watches and Waits
It's clearly still far too early to attempt to assess the impact of Wikileaks' latest mega-leak, this time of US secret cables, whic...
27 November 2010
How To Say "Ooh, Look, a Squirrel" in Italian
There's a nice little argument bubbling away over in the south of Italy. It concerns the decision of Nichi Vendola, the president of Pug...
26 November 2010
Copyright Law is a 404 Not Found
It is a truism that slow-moving law cannot keep up with fleet-of-foot digital technology, so that makes the rare court decision dealing with...
Wikipedia as (Multilingual) Word-Hoard
Wikipedia is often regarded as little more than a poor person's encyclopedia, providing a handy reference collection of basic facts. Bu...
Give Us All Open Data - But Not Yet
As a I wrote a couple of days ago, the current flood of open data announcements, notably by the UK government, is something of a two-edged s...
25 November 2010
Why ACTA is Doomed (Part 2)
A couple of days ago I wrote that ACTA was doomed because its attempts to enforce copyright through even more punitive measures will simply...
23 November 2010
Open Data Good, Open Source Bad?
Last Friday, I went along to what I thought would be a pretty routine press conference about open data - just the latest in a continuing dri...
22 November 2010
Why ACTA is a Doomed
There is a great new paper out with the title "ACTA as a New Kind of International IP Law-Making": The ACTA negotiations are impo...
MPs' Expenses: They're At It Again
Openness is inherently political, because it dares to assert that we little people have a right to see what the powerful would hide. There...
Jauchzet: Bach's Organ Music Free Online
A few months ago, Musopen ran a fundraiser on Kickstarter: Musopen is a non-profit dedicated to providing copyright free music content: mus...
21 November 2010
No Art Please, You're Not British
I thought we had got beyond this daftness : A Cellist was held at Heathrow Airport and questioned for 8 hours this week. A terrorist suspec...
Digital Society vs. Digital Economy Act
Here's an interesting move : Britons will be forced to apply online for government services such as student loans, driving licences, pas...
20 November 2010
Tim BL: Open Standards Must be Royalty-Free
Yesterday I went along to the launch of the next stage of the UK government's open data initiative, which involved releasing information...
1 comment:
18 November 2010
Microsoft: "Linux at the End of its Life Cycle"
Regular readers of this blog will know that I've tracked the rather painful history of attempts to increase the deployment of free soft...
A Peek Inside the EU's Digital Inner Circle
The European Commission looms large in these pages. But despite that importance, it remains - to me, at least - an opaque beast. Hugely-impo...
17 November 2010
Can You Feel the Tension?
There's an important conference taking place in Brussels next week: "Tensions between Intellectual Property Rights and the ICT sta...
16 November 2010
Will Mark Zuckerberg Prove He's Open Source's BFF?
Although I don't use it much myself, I've heard that Facebook is quite popular in some quarters. This makes its technological moves ...
15 November 2010
A Great Indian Takeaway
As you may have noticed, I've been writing quite a lot about the imminent European Interoperability Framework (EIF), and the extent to w...
Beyond a Joke: On the Road to China
By now, you will have read all about the #twitterjoketrial . But you may not have come across this story : On 17 of October, Wang Yi retwee...
German Court: Links Can Infringe on Copyright
Here's one of those tedious court decisions that show the judges don't really get this new-fangled Internet thing: Pünktlich zum ei...
Microsoft: Super - But Not Quite Super Enough
Once upon a time, the Netcraft Web server market share was reported upon eagerly every month for the fact that it showed open source soundly...
12 November 2010
Opening up Knowledge
I know you probably didn't notice, but I posted very little on this blog last week - nothing, in fact. This was not down to me going “me...
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