open source, open genomics, open creation
29 July 2012
Norwegian Court Rules Blog Posts Are Not 'Made Public'
It's something of a truism that the courts take time to catch up with technology, especially in the fast-moving world of the Internet,...
UK Net Neutrality Under (Coded) Attack
Yesterday I wrote that I hoped to post here my submission to the important EU consultation on net neutrality that is currently open. How...
NZ Copyright Industry Claims New 'Three Strikes' Law Halved Movie Infringements After One Month: So What?
The implicit justification for various new copyright enforcement laws, such as the "three strikes" approach, is that they will e...
Digital Economy Act Consultation Response
Last week I wrote about the extremely short consultation period for aspects of implementing the Digital Economy Act. Time is running ou...
Are The Courts Finally Trying To Bring Some Balance Back To Copyright?
One of the recurrent themes here on Techdirt is the increasing lack of balance in copyright, which is now heavily weighted in favor of cr...
UK Judge Rules Even Archived News Articles Can Be In Contempt Of Court
Last week, the British policeman Simon Harwood was acquitted of killing a man during the 2009 G20 protests in London -- a controversial v...
Time to Fight for Net Neutrality in the EU
Net neutrality is one of those areas that most people are vaguely in favour of, without giving it much thought. Governments take advantag...
Sweded Movies: The Fans Talk Back
One of the defining characteristics of the digital world -- and one of the problems for copyright law, which was conceived in an analog ag...
23 July 2012
Publishing Execs Arrested, Face Jail Time, Because Book Tells People How To Back Up DVDs
Last month we wrote about a new copyright law in Japan whose punishments seemed so disproportionate it was hard to take it seriously. Fo...
Australia Wants To Join The Snooper's Club: Why That's Bad For All Of Us
They say that a lie is halfway around the world before the truth has got its boots on, and the same seems to be true about Internet policy...
French & German Courts Disagree Whether Internet Companies Need To Filter
Recently, Techdirt reported on the ruling by a German court on the issue of filtering -- whether Internet sites have a responsibility to...
Digital Economy Act: Respond or Repeal?
As I and many others noted at the time, the Digital Economy Act was one of the most disgraceful abuses of the parliamentary process in re...
EU To Open Up Secret Clinical Trial Data; TPP Looking Even More Retrogressive
Openness is really beginning to sweep through the European Union at all levels. Yesterday we wrote about the European Commission's a...
Open Access: Not All That is Gold Glisters
I've written elsewhere about how open access - the idea that academic research paid for by the public should be freely available onl...
EU Proposes To Provide Open Access To The Results Of Research It Funds
Yesterday, Techdirt reported on the UK government's plans to make publicly-funded scientific research freely available as open acces...
Italian Local Government Warms to Open Source
There is a natural tendency to concentrate on what is happening locally, and so most of the stories here on Open Enterprise are about wha...
Is This Chemical Why File Sharers Buy More Music?
One of the great divides in the digital world is between those who believe that people who share files online are selfish, thieving pirate...
15 July 2012
Is Open Data A Boon Or A Bane?
Techdirt often writes about the benefits of openness and sharing. One area that is increasingly coming to the fore is open data -- for e...
Russia And China Both Want To 'Protect Children'; Both Want To Do It By Increasing Censorship
As expected , Russia has passed a law that will allow Web sites to be blacklisted, ostensibly to "protect children". According...
UK Government Wants To Give Itself Power To Change Copyright Law Without Full Parliamentary Scrutiny
A common feature of democracies is that new laws are scrutinized and debated by representatives of the people before they are passed -- th...
Is The EU's Proposed Reform Of Music Licensing Doomed From The Start?
Music collection societies often figure in Techdirt thanks to their attempts to wring licensing payments from people on absurd grounds, li...
South Korea Gives Mobile Operators Permission To Ignore Net Neutrality By Surcharging Or Blocking VOIP Services
Net neutrality arguments are often couched in rather theoretical terms, and many people can't really see what all the fuss is about. ...
Are Books Printed With Disappearing Ink Really The Best Way To Make People Read Them?
As Techdirt has noted , the main threat to artists is not piracy, but obscurity -- the fact that few know they are creating interesting s...
India Moves Even More Of Its Healthcare Away From Western Pharma
A few years back, Techdirt noted that India had 16,000 licensed drug manufacturers in the 1990s, and became a net exporter of pharmaceut...
DCMS: Who Cares What the Public Thinks?
The UK government's communications review is likely to have a big impact on the digital world. As part of that investigation, the De...
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