open source, open genomics, open creation
14 October 2012
Stop the UK Badger Cull: Letter to My MP
I had been vaguely aware that the proposed cull of badgers in the UK was controversial, but had not fully realised that the evidence agains...
13 October 2012
Last Chance: Consultation on Net Neutrality in EU
Back in July, I wrote about a consultation on net neutrality from the EU, entitled On-line public consultation on "specific aspect...
CryptoParty Like It's 1993
As Techdirt stories regularly report, governments around the world, including those in the West, are greatly increasing their surveillanc...
UK Continues To Criminalize Bad Taste And Stupidity In Online Postings
In the wake of the Twitter joke trial fiasco, which saw Paul Chambers dragged through the courts for two years before being acquitted , t...
Snooper's Charter: 19,000 Emails Against, 0 In Favour
Back in August, I urged people to respond to the consultation on the truly dreadful Draft Communications Bill, aka Snooper's Charte...
Yes, Network Effects Are a Problem for Open Formats
As we know, lock-in is one of the biggest obstacles to moving from closed, proprietary formats, to open ones. But so far as I know, no o...
The French Pigeons Are Revolting -- And That's Good
One of the reasons the copyright lobby has been able to get so far with Net-hostile legislation like SOPA/PIPA and treaties like ACTA and...
German Gov't Inadvertently Reveals Police Monitor Gmail, Skype, Facebook & Use Snooping Malware
Transparency is worth having for itself, since governments often tend to behave a little better when they know that someone is watching. ...
Open source's secret ally: Moore's Law
Linux went from being a cool personal hack in a bedroom to software that would eventually change world just over 21 years ago when Linus ...
The Philippines' Awful New 'Cybercrime' Law Put On Hold -- For Now
Last week Tim Cushing wrote about the hugely-worrying new "cybercrime" law passed in the Philippines that seemed likely to cr...
Before and After ACTA - the Video
In the last year I've written what some might have felt were rather too many thousand words about ACTA. But I'd argue that it wa...
EU Unitary Patent Vote: It's On, Again, Probably
This is getting silly. Over the last year I've been warning about problems with the EU' s plan to bring in a Unitary Patent syste...
Fighting Lack of Transparency And Engagement With Parliamentary Openness
A recurrent theme here on Techdirt is the persistent lack of transparency during the drafting of new laws or the negotiation of new trea...
Lacking Fair Use Rights, Argentina Tries To Increase Access To Copyright Works, With Mixed Results
If you think copyright is bad in regions like the US or Europe, this post from Intellectual Property Watch points out that things could be...
Creepy Smartphone Malware Re-creates Your Home For Stalkers
It's become something of a cliché that anyone with a mobile phone is carrying a tracking device that provides detailed information ab...
Emerging Countries Take Note: Big Pharma's Losing Patent Battles In India
Techdirt has been following the important story of the kidney and liver cancer drug marketed under the name Nexavar since March , when In...
German Pirate Party Makes Some Shockingly Unshocking Proposals For Copyright Reform
As Techdirt has reported, after a year of amazing successes, the German Pirate Party is going through something of a bad patch at the m...
Declaration on Parliamentary Openness
An increasing number of Open Enterprise posts are about moves to open up government in myriad ways. That's not really surprising, si...
Teenage Engineering: If Our Parts Are Too Expensive, Here's How To Print Your Own
There's plenty of breathless writing about the imminent 3D-printing revolution, but realistically, what is it likely to mean for most...
California To Commission 50 Open Textbooks For 2013; Finnish Teachers Write One In A Weekend
Techdirt has been following open textbooks for some time now, and 2012 looks to be a bumper year for them. Here, for example, is a major...
European Parliament Committee Calls For Creation Without Copyright To Become EU Policy
The European Union's governmental machine is a complicated beast, with its intertwining of supra-national, national and party-politic...
Why ECJ Must be Ultimate Arbiter of the Unitary Patent
As I've noted a couple of times , one of the key issues that has yet to be resolved concerning the proposed EU Unitary Patent syste...
Out of Africa: More Microsoft FUD
One of the most heartening developments recently has been Africa's current embrace of computer technology . That includes open source...
EU Copyright Holders Cling To Old Levies, As New Ones Start To Appear On Cloud Storage
Levies on blank storage media are a relic of older times when copying was a new possibility for copyright works. You no longer needed an...
First Open Forum Academy Conference Proceedings
Last week, I mentioned that I attended the Open Forum Europe 2012 conference. Preceeding it was the first meeting of the Open Forum Ac...
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