open source, open genomics, open creation
24 July 2014
Resisting Surveillance on a Unprecedented Scale II
(The first part of this three-part essay appeared yesterday.) The gradual but relentless shift from piecemeal, small-scale analogue eaves...
Resisting Surveillance on a Unprecedented Scale I
› is the leading site covering digital rights in German. It played a key role in helping to stop ACTA last year, and recently...
Brendan Eich, Mozilla's CTO, on EME and DRM
A few weeks back, I wrote about the troubling prospect of DRM being baked into HTML5. At the centre of a related piece was a post by Brend...
TTIP Update V
Today's update is a little odd, since it's not actually about TAFTA /TTIP, at least not directly. Although the second round is t...
TTIP Update IV
One of the key issues during the ACTA negotiations was transparency - or rather the lack of it. Despite a few...
Behold the Bankruptcy of Software Patents
You may recall back in 2011, there was an extraordinary bidding war for the patents of Nortel Networks: On Open Enterprise blog.
Help: EU Net Neutrality Consultation Closes Today
As you may recall, back in September the European Commission finally came out with its proposals for net neutrality, part of its larger...
The Coming Chinese Android Invasion
Remember all those years ago, when people laughed at the first Android phones (which were, to tell the truth, pretty clunky, but still......
2009: Man Buys 5000 Bitcoins For $27, Forgets About Them. 2013: Man Rediscovers His Bitcoins, Now Worth $886,000
Bitcoin shares with drones the unhappy distinction of being the subject of almost exclusively negative reports. Just as drones are usuall...
European Court Of Justice Hands Down Big Win For Transparency in Europe
After a five-year battle by Access Info Europe , Europe's highest court has made an important ruling that will help boost transparency...
Russia's Leading Social Network VKontakte Cleared Of Copyright Infringement
VKontakte is not only the largest social networking site in Russia, but is also one of the biggest unauthorized repositories of copyright...
Bruce Schneier On The Feudal Internet And How To Fight It
There aren't many upsides to Snowden's revelations that NSA is essentially spying on the entire Internet, all the time, but if on...
Trade Agreements Are Designed To Give Companies Corporate Sovereignty
One of the difficulties of making people aware of the huge impact that investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clauses in TPP and TAFT...
Wikipedia Fights Back Against Socking
The idea that Wikipedia is dying has become one of the Internet's recurrent stories. Because something used by so many people eve...
EU Data Protection Proposal Gets Stronger, But With Big Loopholes
One of the most important pieces of legislation wending its way through the European Parliament concerns data protection . Because of its...
India Wants Students And Researchers To Have The Right To Photocopy Books
Techdirt has run several stories about the difficulties students in emerging economies have when it comes to buying expensive study ma...
European Commission: ACTA Is Dead, Long Live ACTA?
The first six months of 2012 saw Europeans taking to the streets in order to kill off ACTA in the European Union. Against all the odds, ...
Stand Back, I'm About to Do Some Posting....
Apologies for the silence, I've been a bit busy, what with TTIP, ISDS, UK open standards, data retention, EU copyright review and much ...
02 February 2014
Interview: Eben Moglen - "surveillance becomes the hidden service wrapped inside everything"
(This was original published in The H Open in March 2010.) Free software has won: practically all of the biggest and most exciting Web c...
26 January 2014
Interview: Linus Torvalds - "I don't read code any more"
(This was originally published in The H Open in November 2012.) I was lucky enough to interview Linus quite early in the history of ...
"The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...
Long-time readers of this blog may recall that for some years I wrote for the UK Heise title "The H Open". Sadly, that closed la...
27 December 2013
TAFTA/TTIP: European Commission Tells Us to "Get the Facts"; Here They Are
Readers with long memories may recall in the dim and distant past that at one time "Get the Facts" was a favourite war-cry of Mic...
24 November 2013
Towards a Post-H.264 World
In my post yesterday about Cisco making the code for its H264 codec available, I noted that the really important news was that Mozilla w...
Is Cisco Open-Sourcing its Code - or Openwashing?
You know that open source has won when everybody wants to wrap themselves in a little bit of openness in order to enjoy the glow. That...
Of Surveillance Debates and Open Clinical Data
Revelations about the staggering levels of online surveillance that are now routine in this country have been met with a stunning silence...
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