03 April 2007

EUPL Gets the Big "Yes"...Well, One of Them

So EUPL - the European Union Public Licence - is now approved, by the European Commission at least:

The Commission has approved the EUPL on 9 January 2007, as a licence to be used for the distribution of software developed in the framework of the IDABC programme.

The only trouble is, it's not actually on the list of OSI-approved licences. This leaves it precisely where...? (Via Andrew Katz.)


  1. Anonymous6:44 pm

    Or alternatively, if it gets wide take-up and yet isn't submitted to the OSI, then where does that leave the OSI (they're not god)?

  2. Yes, that's true. It would be interesting for OSI, to say the least...

  3. Anonymous2:23 pm

    End of discussion:
    The EUPL is approved by OSI (March 2009).
    They decided to play according to F/OSS rules...
