01 February 2008

Auntie Throws Us a Crumb

The BBC has finally made the download version of its iPlayer on-demand TV service compatible with Firefox, after six months as an Internet Explorer-only product.

There's still no support for operating systems other than Windows, but it marks the first official break with the multi-million-pound application's Microsoft-only status. Linux and Mac versions have been promised within two years.

Well, I suppose it's a start....


  1. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Yeah, crumbs, it’s a pretty poor start.
    Writing their own Firefox plug-in… does this mean it’ll not work in Opera, Safari, *other browser that accepts plug-ins* ? If it were cross-browser, they would’ve mentioned that, I hope.

    It seems they are doing everything just to quash the bad PR they got for picking Microsoft only.

    From reading all the blogs by Eric Huggers', it still seems like can only look at tie-ins & direct products to focus on (Xbox 360, AppleTV); and not take a wider view that if they provide the content on an open platform, products will just be able to use it.

  2. Fortunately, we have Mark Taylor of the OSC batting on this one - and he's not done yet....
