08 April 2008

Should We Discriminate In Favour of Firefox?

An intriguing idea:

And if I ran your site, I'd treat Firefox visitors as a totally different group of people than everyone else. They're a self-selected group of clickers and sneezers and power users.

So, should we be hiving off visitors using Firefox to some enhanced, privileged version?


  1. Anonymous12:43 pm

    No, because this becomes coercive to the point of annoyance. Even if I'm inclined to switch to Firefox, encountering reduced code or nag prompts (like Google did for a while) only makes me mad at Firefox.

    Firefox earned its market share on superior design, performance, and usability. That's all the persuasion it needs to continue its growth.

  2. I tend to agree, but it was an interesting point, I thought.
