11 July 2008

EngLab: A Gift of a Program for Engineers

On Open Enterprise blog.


  1. Anonymous8:28 am

    Englab Latest News

    We are pleased to inform you that the v.0.2.1 of EngLab is released. The changes that have been done comparing to the release 0.2.0 are the following:

    Kernel changes:

    * - All the major memory leaks are resolved, as well as the most of the bugs
    * - Users can declare one-dimensional matrixes as well as simple variables
    * - Operators "++" and "- -" were added
    * - Users can retreive or assign directly a variable's subdimension

    GUI changes:

    * - A recent files window was added
    * - A working directory window was added
    * - New icons for eng, image, video and sound files
    * - Users can load a picture or execute a file simply by double clicking it
    * - Syntax check was added to the editor
    * - A thumbnail was added in the bottom left corner of Englab, enabling user to see at once the results of processing an image.

    Toolboxes changes:

    * - A plot toolbox was added
    * - A special functions toolbox was added (Bessel, Airy, etc)

    Future implementations:

    * - Toolbox for manipulating serial port RS232
    * - Toolbox for root finding of functions
    * - Toolbox for statistical functions
    * - Toolbox for integrals
    * - Addition of multithreaded functions

    We hope that our program will be useful to you. We also hope to help us in order to make EngLab better!

    Developers: BugFest team

  2. Thanks for the update.
