23 July 2008

Russian Schools A-Rushin' to Free Software

I've written before about a very interesting pilot project to introduce free software into schools in three Russian regions; things seem to be going down a storm:

В более чем 50% школ пилотных регионов, в которых запланирована установка пакетов свободного программного обеспечения (ПСПО), дистрибутивы уже установлены.

На данный момент в общей сложности ПСПО установлены в 572 школах республики Татарстан, Пермского края и Томской области (из запланированных 1084).

[Via Google Translate: In more than 50% of schools pilot regions, where the scheduled installation of free software packages (PSPO), distributions have been installed.

So far a total of PSPO installed in 572 schools in the republic of Tatarstan, Perm Territory, and Tomsk region (of the planned 1084).]


  1. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Hi Glyn,
    In addition to this news.
    One month ago (17 June) Ministry of Education RF invite school from outside of pilot regions, participate in the project. Today 150 schools send the order of migration to Linux.
    (here migration map http://altlinux.info/news/altnews/20080715.1220)
    According of plans approximately 40 000 Russian schools migrate to Linux to end of 2009.

    If you need any comments or additional information about open source in Russia, I can answer to your questions. My email: info at altlinux [dot] info

  2. Great news - thanks for passing it on and getting in touch.

    Good luck with your projects.
