26 January 2009

Of Blogs and Microblogging

The eagle-eyed among you (everyone, surely), will have noticed the sudden excrudescence of a widget to the right. Since this represents the rude irruption of that upstart Twitter among the peaceful glades of Blogger, I feel some explanation is in order.

I've only been using Twitter for about a month, but I've found a what seems to me a fairly natural use for it alongside Open... and my Open Enterprise blog: posting stuff that doesn't really merit a full-on blog post, but is worthy of a quick mention.

So the idea of including a few tweets on this blog is to offer a few quick links or ideas that might be of interest to readers of this blog, without them needing to subscribe to Twitter or even leave this page.

It's meant to add, not take away, and nothing else will be changing in terms of what I blog about (except that I probably won't be posting anything really short, since that is likely to end up on Twitter.)

I intend running this page in its present form for a while to see how people like it. Please feel free to let me know whether you love or loathe it. I may also tweak some of its parameters - number of tweets etc. - so thoughts on that, too, would be welcome.


  1. Anonymous11:09 pm

    I resent the implication that us loyal subscribers to your RSS feed aren't eagle-eyed... or that we only become so when we drop by to leave a comment.

  2. Naturally, I assumed that my loyal RSS readers are *psychic*, and wouldn't need to drop in to notice any changes....

    (And of course my tweets are also available as an RSS feed...)

  3. Anonymous1:30 am

    I encourage this. Consider it as adding another channel to Open..., and it should be inclusive of your twitter posts as you see fit. If more bloggers do this, perhaps there can be a conflation of the two someday.

  4. It's one of thos estrange coincidences that in the last few days I have had several worthy exposures to this twitter thing.

    But - to be honest - I'm not sure I still get it... What's it for? Why are *so* many people doing it? Why aren't I one of them and am I missing out on something?


  5. @zaine - thanks for the feedback.

  6. I know, I felt the same for a long time.

    Looking at as an extension to blogging is the way I've come to think of it - not just an update on what I had for breakfast. I urge you to experiment with it - it's by far the best way. If you *still* think it's a waste of time, just drop it.

  7. What do you get if you're not running JS?

  8. Good: that means it fails gracefully, no?
