23 April 2010

Tussling for the Soul of EU's Digital Economy Agenda

A little while ago I wrote about the worrying signs that the imminent Digital Economy Agenda, currently being drawn up by Neelie Kroes, was under massive pressure to water down its commitment to openness and interoperability. The good news is that ranged against those negative forces, there are others working for a fairer approach, as manifest in the Granada Ministerial Declaration on the European Digital Agenda[.pdf]:

On Open Enterprise blog.


  1. This isn't quite related, but I've written a blog post about the US government releasing some code involving Drupal as free software. It really is a step in the right direction.

    a Linux Mint user since 2009 May 1
    Please do look at and comment on my blog!

  2. @PV: yes, I think the advantages of open source are so evident that people in the US regard it as an obvious thing to use; not, alas, in the UK, though...

  3. Anonymous9:15 am

    >According to people with good
    >contacts to the politicians and
    >bureaucrats drawing up the Agenda

    That would be some of these: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/kroes/about/team/index_en.htm?

    Have you tried to speak to any of these people yourself? It seems that April, the French open source group, and at least some others very interested in these matters have.

  4. I've not tried contacting them because I find politicians very constrained in what they can say, so it's not really worth it.
