05 July 2013

Birth of a Meme: the Tweetlog

As some of you may know, alongside this blog here - a slightly empty place at the moment, for which apologies - I run something called rather grandly "Moody's Microblog Daily Digest".  This is simply a collection of most of my tweets for each day - discarding the ephemeral ones that are replies etc.

It's mainly so that I have a readily-accessible store of them that is independent of Twitter, and that I can search through easily since Twitter's search is pretty feeble (hint, hint...).

Now I see that Björn Brembs has started doing the same on his blog.  He's dubbed it a "tweetlog", which seems a pretty good description.  What do people think?  Is this the birth of meme?


  1. It might be useful, but I have found annoying to have Twitter digests embedded in article feeds when I already subscribe to the corresponding microblog. A separate "Twitter digest" feed would solve that : integrate the digests in the blog layout but keep it a separate feed... But that requires more flexibility than Blogger provides.

  2. well, this is slightly different, because it's a blog where each post is a set of tweets that aren't otherwise available in a consolidated form

  3. Anonymous6:20 pm

    I like the idea of a Tweetlog, but I already have one by running my own StatusNet site - I'll always have access to my Dents, in context, with no additional effort required.

    Something I'd like to see in your Tweetlog is a link back to the original Tweet, so that we can see the original context, and any replies.


  4. unfortunately, that would be an impossible amount of work. as it is, I have to hand paste all the links in to create the page...
