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Eric Raymond
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Eric Raymond
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22 November 2011
Why The Supreme Court's 'Grokster' Decision Led To More, Not Less, P2P Filesharing
In the 2005 "Grokster" decision, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that file sharing networks could be held liable for copyr...
02 June 2010
Open Sourcing Politics
“Linux is subversive”: so begins “The Cathedral and the Bazaar,” Eric Raymond's analysis of the open source way. The subversion there wa...
25 January 2010
Why There is no Kernel Hacker Sell-Out
As you may have noticed, posting to this blog was light last week, as in non-existent (OK, so you didn't notice.) This was because I was...
09 February 2009
Do Top Hackers Have Too Much Money?
The announcement that one of MySQL's founders, Monty Widenius, was leaving Sun, was generally regarded as a pity, though no huge surpris...
14 January 2009
Qt Goes LGLP: the Trolltech Saga Attains Closure
There are few commercial programs whose history is more intertwined with the rise of free software than Nokia's Qt toolkit, originally c...
10 November 2008
ESR: He Speak the Truth (Technically Speaking)
Sadly, it's become something of an event when Eric Raymond offers one of his stimulating essays on technology. I know he's supposed...
03 October 2008
Haggling in the Bazaar
As open source becomes more widely used, people have started exploring how and why its approach to developing software works so well. The pi...
23 June 2008
Linux is Subversive....
On Open Enterprise blog .
13 November 2007
Of Bazaars and Dangerous Co-location
I often bang on about modularity in this blog, and its critical importance to creating and running open projects. Here are some more though...
30 April 2007
Gagging Linus
I seem to recall that Darl McBride, the man behind SCO's suicidal strategy of suing IBM, once received a box of worms as a token of dis...
30 January 2007
Behind and Beyond Halloween
The publication of the first Halloween memo in 1998 was a pivotal moment in the history of free software. For the first time, it was clea...
17 August 2006
Eric's Saga
Eric Raymond - ESR - is a curious chap. Interviewing him was definitely one of the highlights of researching my book Rebel Code : there was...
20 July 2006
Indian Summer of Code
I wrote earlier today about the fallacy of assuming that once you start offering money the spirit that informs the world of collaborative e...
10 February 2006
Scrying an Oracle
This story has so many interesting elements in it that it's just got to be true. According to Business Week , Oracle is poised to snap ...
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