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25 July 2014
De-fanging Software Patents For GNU GPL'd Code
A theme that has re-appeared on this blog many times over the years is that of software patents. As I've noted before, they are perhap...
31 March 2013
Apple's Patent For Creating A Leak-Proof Data Pipe, And Why It's Doomed To Fail
In 2001, I published a history of free software, called "Rebel Code: Inside Linux and the Open Source Revolution." One of the...
Could Open Source Software Be Put Into The Public Domain Instead?
There are dozens of free software and open source licences -- many would argue rather too many. Different licenses impose different condi...
07 November 2011
Free As In Freedom: But Whose Freedom?
It would be hard to overstate the contribution of Richard Stallman to the digital world. The founding of the GNU project and the creatio...
31 October 2011
Why Creative Commons Licenses Help Rather Than Hinder Struggling Artists
Creative Commons (CC) has been with us for nearly a decade, so you would have thought people might understand it by now. Apparently not, ...
13 September 2011
Do We Need a Covenant for Open Source Businesses?
It's no secret that businesses built around open source tend to favour one model in particular - that involving dual licensing. The ...
30 May 2008
Desperately Seeking Paglo
On Open Enterprise blog .
23 April 2008
Humour of the Week
"There's free software and then there’s open source," he suggested, noting that Microsoft gives away its software in developin...
14 November 2006
Is Sun Trying Too Hard to Be Good?
Not content with GPL'ing Java (for which they have my unalloyed admiration), Sun has now also given some dosh to Creative Commons. What...
19 August 2006
A Licence to Print...Licences
Licensing lies at the heart of free software. Indeed, it could be argued that Richard Stallman's greatest legacy is the GNU GPL, since ...
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