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29 May 2007
More Google Desktop Moves
Google's story that it's really, really, really not competing with Microsoft gets thinner by the day. Apparently , it's just bo...
23 May 2007
Googling the Genome, Part II
23andMe is a privately held company developing new ways to help you make sense of your own genetic information. Even though your body contai...
18 May 2007
Google Enters the Fourth Dimension
It's a bit rudimentary at the moment, but Google's new Timeline view for searches is quite entertaining . (Via Vecosys .)
08 May 2007
The Chief Lizard Wrangler Speaketh
One of the unsung heroines of the open source movement is Mitch Baker, whose official job title is " Chief Lizard Wrangler " - the...
04 May 2007
Microsoft +Yahoo! = MegaHard!!!
Very interesting development here: Microsoft is starting to pursue Yahoo. This is completely logical: Microsoft is getting so utterly trou...
30 April 2007
Google Supports ODF
Well, it already does with its online office suite, but now it lets you search for ODF files and displays converted online: In addition to ...
25 April 2007
Google Does the Decent Thing
A criticism sometimes levelled at users of open source who make changes to the code but do not distribute it is that they don't give it ...
23 April 2007
That's Torn It
I'm terribly torn again. This brilliant piece of cyber-conjecture sounds *so* exciting. But do I trust Google enough to put my entire ...
Google and Cultural Genocide
A suprising post from Cult of the Dead Cow about Google and its role in the cultural genocide of the Tibetans : Ever since Google announced ...
20 April 2007
Google Web History: Fantastically...What?
This looks really cool : Web History: All the web sites you visit, at your fingertips. * View your web activity. * Search the full t...
1 comment:
14 April 2007
Where in the World Are You?
Talking of Google's growing power : Once again ... the average person has NO idea they are now going to have even more records kept of ...
1 comment:
Google + DoubleClick = GoogleClick
One consequence of Google's rather expensive acquisition of DoubleClick is that it turns the company from a search engine that sells ad...
12 April 2007
Recognising Google's True Character
It's easy to become apprehensive about the massive and growing power of Google. After all, its operating plan is essentially to know ev...
26 March 2007
The Big IP Lies
Most of this is just legal posturing , but the following paragraph is noteworthy: Intellectual property is worth $650 billion a year to the ...
23 March 2007
Clowning Around
Although I am not a great user of YouTube, I know a significant cultural/market shift when I see one. NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker and New...
13 March 2007
Fight! Fight! Fight!
It is a truth universally acknowlegded that there is only one thing more stupid than content producers suing little people with nothing in t...
30 August 2006
Amazon Goes Virtual
I was deeply unimpressed when Amazon announced its Simple Storage Service ( S3 ), since I am not a developer, but the news that it is now ro...
18 August 2006
The Writely Way to Work
For a while now, my daily desktop has been filled with almost nothing but Firefox windows, each of which contains a healthy/unhealthy half-d...
16 August 2006
Danger: Blogger in Beta at Work
On Monday, Google finally came out with a beta version of its Blogger upgrade. God knows it's needed it: Blogger has fallen further an...
28 July 2006
Google's Summa of Code
Google has launched an open source code repository, called, with stunning originality, Google Code . This is particularly good news, becaus...
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