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03 March 2019
This Could Be The Most Important Email You Will Ever Send To Your MEP
As most people reading this will know by now, the deeply-flawed EU Copyright Directive faces one final vote in the European Parliament soon...
31 October 2014
Response to EU Ombudsman's Consultation on TTIP Transparency
The EU Ombudsman is running a consultation on how to improve the transparency of the TTIP negotiations. This shouldn't be hard, ...
25 July 2014
European Commission Admits It Plans To Put 'Corporate Christmas List' Of IP Demands Into TAFTA/TTIP
A few months ago, we quoted the EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht , who is responsible for handling the TAFTA/TTIP negotiations on the...
TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs
At the start of 2012 I began a series of posts about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - ACTA. These took the form of updates on how...
24 July 2014
TTIP Update IV
One of the key issues during the ACTA negotiations was transparency - or rather the lack of it. Despite a few...
European Commission: ACTA Is Dead, Long Live ACTA?
The first six months of 2012 saw Europeans taking to the streets in order to kill off ACTA in the European Union. Against all the odds, ...
24 November 2013
ISDS: ACTA by the Back Door?
As I noted in my last TTIP update , things are beginning to get moving again on this front. One reflection of the growing interesting in...
23 November 2013
TTIP Update II
As I noted in my first TTIP Update about the current negotiations between the EU and US over a massive trade agreement that is far fro...
27 October 2013
TPP Negotiations Deprive New Zealanders Of Promised Copyright Consultation -- For Secret Reasons
One of the myths perpetuated by governments taking part in major international treaty negotiations like ACTA, TPP and TAFTA/TTIP is that ...
26 October 2013
TTIP Update I
At the start of this year I flagged up the likelihood that hugely important trade negotations between the EU and US would start in due ...
EU Copyright: The Right to Read and the Right to Mine
A year ago the European Parliament rejected ACTA - a real milestone in the fight to bring some balance to copyright, since it was the fi...
19 September 2013
EU Mandate For TAFTA Leaked: Includes Investor-State Dispute Resolution For Intellectual Monopolies
One of the concerns about TAFTA/TTIP is that it would repeat the mistakes of ACTA and SOPA as far as intellectual monopolies were concer...
20 July 2013
Not Learning From ACTA: IPR Protection And Enforcement Seen As 'Less Difficult Issue' For TAFTA/TTIP
Despite increasing calls for the imminent TAFTA/TTIP trade negotiations to be conducted as openly as possible, it seems likely that, a...
Please Write to MEPs *Now* about TAFTA/TTIP
Sorry to trouble you again this week, but there's an important vote in INTA today (25 April) on the transatlantic trade agreement (TA...
Why CISPA Shows We Need Strong EU Data Protection
It seems hard to believe that it was only a little over a year ago that the threat from the US SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) was averted (...
24 April 2013
Please Write to MEPs *Now* about TAFTA/TTIP
There's an important vote in INTA today (25 April) on the transatlantic trade agreement (TAFTA/TTIP), and there are some crucial issu...
14 April 2013
How Multilateral Free Trade Agreements Are Bypassing Democratic Decision-Making Around The World
One of the most worrying aspects of ACTA -- which began life as a "simple" treaty about combatting counterfeit goods -- was how...
31 March 2013
Public Well-Being Must Be 'Primary Measurement' Of US-EU Trade Agreement
Now that the US and EU have officially announced the start of talks on a new bilateral free trade agreement -- sorry, a "trade an...
Why Site Blocking Orders Need To Be Challenged In Court
There is an extremely dangerous trend to remove proper judicial review from cases involving alleged copyright infringement. Sometimes t...
11 February 2013
European Court Of Human Rights: No, Copyright Does Not Automatically Trump Freedom Of Expression
As many know, copyright had its origins in censorship and control . But over the last few hundred years, that fact has been obscured by ...
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