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15 November 2010
German Court: Links Can Infringe on Copyright
Here's one of those tedious court decisions that show the judges don't really get this new-fangled Internet thing: Pünktlich zum ei...
06 February 2009
Proof that Microsoft Now Fears for the Desktop
Hmm, lookee here: Microsoft wants to hire a Director, Open Source Desktop Strategy. Here are the details : The Windows Competitive Strategy...
19 November 2008
(Sigh): Another BBC Ad for Microsoft
I suppose I should expect this now: In a surprise move, Microsoft has announced it will offer a free anti-virus and security solution from ...
12 September 2008
De-Fanging Microsoft
Like many, I was intrigued and ultimately disappointed by the first of the new Microsoft ads. But I assumed that it was in the nature of a t...
26 May 2008
The Art of Adlessness
On Open Enterprise blog .
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