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06 January 2013
The Complex Joys Of Music In The Age Of Digital Abundance
A recent issue of The New Yorker had a fine essay by Mike Spies about the joys of discovering and listening to music . But its overall to...
11 November 2012
30 Years Of The CD, Of Digital Piracy, And Of Music Industry Cluelessness
A post on The Next Web reminds us that the CD is thirty years old this month . As the history there explains, work began back in the 197...
07 February 2011
Piracy/Counterfeit Bait and Switch
As I've noted before, one of the tricks used in the current ACTA negotiations is to blur the lines between counterfeiting and piracy, a...
06 October 2010
Sharing: Crossing the Digital-Analogue Divide
I've been writing about all kinds of openness and sharing on this blog nearly five years now. Before that, I had been covering free sof...
23 July 2010
Why Free Software is a Matter of Life and Death
As regular readers of this blog will know, free software has an importance that extends way beyond the world of software. But for most peopl...
25 March 2010
Cameron as Future Avatar of Film Industry
For some months now, I've been touting "Avatar" as a good example of how the film industry should be concentrating on enhancin...
29 August 2009
James Murdoch is Confused
Two quotations from James Murdoch's speech at the Edinburgh International Television Festival: So talking about a coming digital future...
10 December 2008
Analogue Steganography
Steganography is about hiding stuff in such as way that it isn't even apparent stuff is hidden. For example, you might change predeterm...
06 June 2008
Expensive Oil and the Analogue World
Fascinating stuff : We usually think about technological improvements in productivity as benefiting the highly skilled and educated, and dis...
23 July 2007
Not-So-Rough Trade
As I and a few other enlightened individuals have been banging on about for some time, allowing digital files to be copied is not the end of...
09 July 2007
Time to Face the Music
I've been rabbiting on about this for some time; now The Economist is saying it too, so it must be true: Seven years ago musicians der...
03 July 2007
Blizzards and Beauty: An Ode to Open Access
Peter Suber has long been recognised as the official chronicler of the open access movement; now, with the publication of this paean , it s...
01 May 2006
The Commons: When Digital Meets Analogue
Given the convergence of thinking about the digital and analogue commons that is taking place, the news that EarthTrends is releasing its o...
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