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17 July 2009
Gadzooks - it's ZookZ from Antigua
I've been following the rather entertaining case of Antigua vs. US for a few years now. Basically, the US government has taken a ...
21 December 2007
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Gambling
John Naughton points us to a nicely-written piece by John Lanchester about the way the City - and its global mates - work using derivative...
12 October 2007
Let's Make That a Round Trillion, Shall We?
Just to be on the safe side, you understand : A Brussels think-tank has accused the US government of reneging on commitments made to the Wor...
29 August 2007
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!
I've covered the dispute between the US and Antigua over online gambling before , but it looks like there's a chance the perfect end...
21 June 2007
US vs. WTO
I've written about the spat between the US and Antigua before , but it looks like things are getting really heavy : And so, today, what ...
23 May 2007
Please, Antigua, Please
Go for it: Repeated violation of WTO commitments in the face of contrary WTO rulings allows a victimized member country ultimately to suspe...
17 November 2006
I, For One, Salute Our New Antiguan Overlords
Many martial arts are based on turning your assailant's power against himself. Sounds like the plucky Antiguans have taken a course or...
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