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bill hooker
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Showing posts with label
bill hooker
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16 March 2009
Opening Minds about Closed Source
One of the most exciting experiences in blogging is when a post catches fire - metaphorically, of course. Often it happens when you least e...
22 September 2008
Peer-Reviewed Open Journal of Science Online
One of the most eloquent proponents of the idea of open science is Cameron Neylon. Here's an interesting post about bringing peer revi...
22 July 2007
Open Source Self-Governance
A little while back I wrote about the idea of using wikis for open government. Peter Suber - about whom Bill Hooker commented recently ...
18 July 2007
More Parallel Universes
Some while back I wrote a piece called " Parallel Universes " looking at the surprising similarities between the world of open sou...
16 July 2007
" Open notebook science " is a great term devised by Jean-Claude Bradley - great, because it makes explicit exactly where you can ...
04 June 2007
You'd Be Nuts Not To...
Bill Hooker points out that there is an important petition to establish a self-archiving open access mandate for Brazilian research circul...
23 May 2007
Blooming Science Blogs
It is rather ironic that science, which is a paradigmatic example of openness in action, should be a relative laggard when it comes to getti...
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