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29 June 2010
Botching Bilski
So, the long-awaited US Supreme Court ruling on Bilski vs. Kappos has appeared – and it's a mess. Where many hoped fervently for some cl...
23 December 2009
All Hail the Mighty Algorithm
As long-suffering readers of this blog will know, one of the reasons I regard software patents as dangerous is because software consists of ...
12 August 2009
Big Bounteous Blue, or Big Bad Blue?
One of the perennial teasers in the world of computing concerns IBM. On the one hand, you have a company that has embraced open source wide...
05 March 2009
Patently Good News
There have been a number of important cases on both sides of the Atlantic concerning the patenting of software recently. In the UK, there we...
24 February 2009 Phase II
There's no doubt that more and more scrutiny is being applied to patents around the world, with particularly hopeful moves in the US in...
31 October 2008
Bilski: Almost the Big One
Those with good memories will recall a short post I wrote back in February about a case, generally known as “Bilski”, that was going before ...
08 April 2008
Is This the Start of Red Hat 2.0?
On Open Enterprise blog .
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