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24 November 2009
And Another Reason that Rupe is Wrong...
...about his plans to gag Google, and embrace the beauteous Bing: For the plan to work, it will also require that the vast, endlessly proli...
23 February 2009
London Open Source Writers Meetup
As an experiment, @codepope and I have arranged to meet up as a possible kernel of open-sourcey writerish activity in London tonight. Anyo...
29 November 2008
The Art of the Blog
The best meditation on blogging and bloggers I have read so far: In fact, for all the intense gloom surrounding the news-paper and magazine...
25 June 2007
Is Microsoft People-Ready?
It's interesting that the brouhaha over Microsoft's "people-ready" campaign involving top bloggers mouthing incomprehensi...
20 April 2007
The Blog is the New Resume
Pretty much . (Via ContentBlogger .)
23 March 2007
Given Enough Eyeballs...
...all attempts at burying politically embarrassing information are shallow : A time-honored Washington practice of trying to extinguish, pr...
20 February 2007
The Incorruptible Blogosphere
John Dvorak is the original angry old man of computer journalism. I've been reading his stuff for decades now. It's striking that ...
27 January 2007
Peter Suber's Purview
One source that crops up more than most in these blog posts is that of Open Access News . This is simply the best place to go for informati...
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