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25 July 2014
Norway To Digitize All Norwegian Books, Allowing Domestic IP Addresses To Read All Of Them, Irrespective Of Copyright Status
Here's a pretty amazing story from Norway : On Techdirt .
15 July 2012
Are Books Printed With Disappearing Ink Really The Best Way To Make People Read Them?
As Techdirt has noted , the main threat to artists is not piracy, but obscurity -- the fact that few know they are creating interesting s...
12 May 2012
UK Consumer Ebook Sales Increase by 366%: Publishers Association Calls For Digital Piracy To Be 'Tackled'
One of the beloved tropes of the copyright industries is that they are being destroyed by online piracy. Superficially, it's a plausi...
25 February 2012
Why Ebook Portal Differed From Other Filesharing Sites
A couple of weeks ago the popular ebook portal was shut down , apparently voluntarily, after a coalition of book publishers obt...
1 comment:
07 September 2009
In Praise of the Book Sprint
One of the things that I find fascinating about open source is the way it generates epiphenomena - things that don't really happen with ...
30 December 2008
Timeo Danaos....
Perhaps the most neglected pioneer in computing is Ted Nelson , who came up with most of the ideas of hypertext and linking, but got sidetra...
22 May 2008
Of Books, Sharing and the First Sale Doctrine
Here's a short but poignant meditation on the centrality of sharing to the joy of books: Ultimately, I do not much care whether these bo...
09 March 2008
Of Book Bankruptcy
Here's a poignant post about realising that book you have cradled within you for the last years not only will never get written, but doe...
25 February 2008
The Value of Nothing
One of those joining this blog in pointing out the power of pricing at zero is Chris Anderson. His next book is called simply "Free...
04 December 2007
Excessive Cubicle
I'm in favour of fun as much as the next clown, but the new book Eccentric Cubicle from O'Reilly seems to be forgetting a key aspec...
22 October 2007
Open Content Alliance - Good, but not New....
Nice story in the New York Times about libraries choosing to go with the Open Content Alliance rather than that nice Mr. Google or Mr. Mic...
26 September 2007
Googling Google
Great title: " The Googlization of Everything ." And open , too. (Via Open Access News .)
16 September 2007
First Chapter 11, Then Pamela's Book
Hardly unexpected, but good news , anyway: "We want to assure our customers and partners that they can continue to rely on SCO products...
04 June 2007
A Series of Tubes
Now this is what I call a real distribution network: The London Book Project is a free book exchange on a massive scale. Using the London U...
05 December 2006
The Great UnSuggester
This , surely, is what technology was invented for: Unsuggester takes "people who like this also like that" and turns it on its he...
04 October 2006
It's a LibraryThing
Quite rightly, everyone raves about Wikipedia's million+ English-language articles as a monument of cumulative achievement. But in the...
09 August 2006
Mooch Ado About Something
You can tell its Bubble Time when people start companies based on permutations of other, already-successful concepts. Sites like eHub are ...
23 May 2006
The Future of the Book?
The site Institute for the Future of the Book is certainly pushing the concept of the book hard in an effort to explore the idea and relate...
11 May 2006
The Digital Sum of Human Knowledge
Most of us think of open access as a great way of reading the latest research online, so there is an implicit assumption that open access is...
06 May 2006
A Rough Cut of the Beta Book Idea
Books are lovely objects, but problematic in terms of their content - once they're published, you can't correct the errors easily. ...
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