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25 July 2014
New Creative Commons Licenses Released For Intergovernmental Organizations
Even though Creative Commons licenses have only been in existence for just over a decade, it's now hard to imagine the online world ...
20 July 2013
Australian Census Data Released Under CC License, But Official Site Tries To Make It Hard To Download
The whole point about adopting Creative Commons licenses is to make it easier for people to share and use works released under them. S...
17 March 2013
French Politicians Worry That Free Creative Commons Works Devalue 'Legal' Offers
As Techdirt noted last year, France has a regrettable habit of dreaming up really bad ideas when it comes to the Internet, most famously...
13 October 2012
European Parliament Committee Calls For Creation Without Copyright To Become EU Policy
The European Union's governmental machine is a complicated beast, with its intertwining of supra-national, national and party-politic...
29 September 2012
New Minister Of Culture In Brazil Brings Hope Of Return To Earlier Enlightened Copyright Policy
As Techdirt observed back in 2007, Brazilian artists were some of the first to recognize that piracy can be a positive force that helps ...
07 November 2011
Free As In Freedom: But Whose Freedom?
It would be hard to overstate the contribution of Richard Stallman to the digital world. The founding of the GNU project and the creatio...
31 October 2011
Why Creative Commons Licenses Help Rather Than Hinder Struggling Artists
Creative Commons (CC) has been with us for nearly a decade, so you would have thought people might understand it by now. Apparently not, ...
17 October 2011
Fighting Back Against Public Domain Erosion By Growing The Commons
There have been a number of stories on Techdirt recently about governments diminishing the public domain - not just by extending copyrigh...
07 September 2011
Democratising OpenCourseWare
OpenCourseWare - putting texts and videos of educational lectures online for anyone to download, use and often build on - is a great idea. ...
01 August 2011
Something Rotten in the State of...Brazil?
For many years, Brazil has been a shining beacon of how to do it right when it came to openness and sharing. For example, in the field of o...
09 May 2011
Portugal to Make CC Licences Illegal?
I recently wrote about the suggestion that a "Great Firewall of Europe" should be created - a fine example of political cluelessn...
29 July 2010
Re-inventing Publishing for the Digital Age
As a former publisher (no, really) I am fascinated by, and sympathetic to, efforts to come up with new models for profitable publishing in t...
23 July 2010
Move Commons: Moving Beyond Creative Commons
Talking of commons, I was reading David Bollier's Viral Spiral recently, probably the best book about the rise of the commons as a new...
11 July 2010
The Peculiar World of Private Label Rights
Here's a variety of "sharing" I'd not come across before: private label rights. This is what Wikipedia has to say on the...
07 July 2010
Are the Creative Commons Licences Valid?
As readers of this blog will doubtless know, Richard Stallman's great stroke of genius at the founding of the GNU project was to use cop...
18 June 2010
Can You Make Money from Free Stuff?
Well, of course you can – free software is the primary demonstration of that. But that doesn't mean it's trivial to turn free into f...
16 February 2009
Sketchory: Sharing CC Drawings
It's hard enough working out what collaboration might mean with words, but even it's even worse with images. This probably explains...
12 February 2009
YouTube Goes Offline and CC
Not earth shattering, but a further vindication of the Creative Commons idea: We are always looking for ways to make it easier for you to f...
31 January 2009
Flatworld: Open Textbooks
Flatworld , a open textbook publishing company, has finally come out of private beta. Here's what makes it different : We preserve the ...
28 January 2009
Academic Earth's Global Academy
One of the interesting applications of openness has been to education. The potential is plain: why re-invent the wheel when it comes to cre...
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