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25 July 2014
CERN Announces Nearly All High-Energy Physics Articles Will Switch To Open Access -- The Largest-Ever OA Initiative
One of the key insights driving open access is that if all the money currently paid by libraries and other institutions for subscription...
07 April 2009
RFCs: Request for Openness
There's a fascinating history of the RFCs in the New York Times , written by a person who was there at the beginning: Our intent was on...
10 November 2008
ESR: He Speak the Truth (Technically Speaking)
Sadly, it's become something of an event when Eric Raymond offers one of his stimulating essays on technology. I know he's supposed...
30 April 2008
The Free Web: 15 Years Old Today
It was exactly 15 years ago that the Web was made free : Heute vor 15 Jahren erhielten Tim Berners-Lee und Robert Cailliau vom Genfer Kernfo...
18 September 2006
CERN Re-invents Publishing - Again
The Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee while he was working at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. Now the boys and...
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