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21 May 2007
Microsoft's New Mantra: Choice Is Good
Recently I was bemused by Microsoft's espousal of ODF, and now here we have the company spreading more joy: The company on Monday is ex...
22 March 2007
OpenDocument Format: the Monograph
One of the great things about all things open, is that their documentation is nearly always freely available. A case in point is this monog...
15 February 2007
Microsoft's Freudian Slips
I just love it when Microsoft feels moved to write one of its open (sic) letters. They are essentially corporate Freudian slips writ large,...
10 May 2006
Anti-ODF Stuff Turns Nasty
With his customary sharpness, Andy Updegrove skewers a particularly nasty piece of lobbyist punditry. The statement in question manages t...
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