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craig murray
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Showing posts with label
craig murray
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14 January 2009
Craig Murray on the Death of Libel in the UK
Craig is in a triumphalist mood: We have comprehensively blown wide apart the UK's infamously repressive libel laws. Up until now, thes...
03 December 2008
Tell Us What You *Really* Think, Craig....
Some fine outrage from our ex-man in Tashkent: I still do believe that we will come to recover from the terrible poison of the New Labour y...
06 August 2008
Morphic Resonance?
My thoughts , precisely.
10 March 2008
Open Letter to America
Since some of America's top minds are apparently having a bit of bother deciding this one, I thought the following personal experiences ...
30 December 2005
The Power of Blogs - Ain't that the Truth?
Few can match the British Government when it comes to belligerent secrecy. Under the shameful Official Secrets Act , not only is practicall...
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