open source, open genomics, open creation
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12 December 2007
Darwinian Software and Intelligent Design
On Open Enterprise blog .
02 July 2007
Open Source Life
Fascinating : Whatever Carl Woese writes, even in a speculative vein, needs to be taken seriously. In his "New Biology" article, h...
02 February 2007
Of Philip Rosedale, God and Darwinism
Here's an entertaining piece of a biotech writer grappling with and finally grokking Second Life via biological metaphors: I’m trying t...
27 November 2006
"Intelligent" Design
So the ID'ers are stepping up the pressure , here in the UK. They have a shiny new Web site - Truth in Science , no less - that looks j...
16 November 2006
Digital Fish Wrap
There is a wonderful evolutionary winnowing process underway within the mainstream media: those that get the Internet are thriving, while th...
27 October 2006
Viral Evolution
As a big fan of the explanatory power of Darwinian evolution - which, for those still concerned about its "theoretical" status, is...
19 October 2006
The Evolution of Academic Knowledge
The complete works of Charles Darwin are now online . This is certainly an important moment in the evolution of academic knowledge, since i...
31 May 2006
Half-Open, Half-Closed
This isn't really open source, but it seems to me that the underlying idea has much in common with the open source development process -...
21 December 2005
Intelligent Design ... and Bioinformatics
If you are interested in the background to the recent ruling against the teaching of Intelligent Design alongside Darwinian evolution in sci...
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