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10 February 2013
Danish Court Orders Spanish Site Blocked Because It Uses Trademarked English Word 'Home' As Part Of Its Name
Daft trademarking stories are common enough, but it's always fun to come across new variations on the theme. Netzpolitik points us t...
25 January 2012
New Market Research: Music Streaming Services Halve Illegal Downloads
For a long time, the copyright industries have taken the position that they won't launch new digital music services until piracy is ...
23 October 2008
Open Source Spaceships?
Apparently : This is a privately funded suborbital space endeavor. Our mission is to launch a human being into space. We are currently devel...
11 August 2007
Irony in the Blood
Well spotted : To recap: 1. In all likelihood, fossil fuel emissions are one of the primary causes of global warming; 2. global warmin...
02 July 2007
The Birth of Blognation
I was a big fan of the Vecosys blog - I even got used to its horrible name. And then it went away, only to emerge, phoenix-like, from the ...
25 February 2007
Someting is Open in the State of Denmark
Good news from Denmark: On Friday, the Danish Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Helge Sander, made a press announcement (Dani...
11 January 2007
Openness: To Be, or Not To Be?
If for nothing else, Denmark is notable for two things: Hamlet, and being the seat of the Microsoft's largest European development divis...
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