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14 October 2008
Birth of a Meme: the O(o)pen Web
One of the interesting slogans that the Mozilla Foundation has been pushing a lot recently is the idea of the “open Web”. That's clearly...
26 March 2008
I don't normally blog about heavy developer issues, because that's not the focus here. But I think this news is important: Asus ha...
Open Source: All You Need is Love (Mostly)
On Open Enterprise blog .
13 April 2007
Open Source Motivation
Well, strictly speaking, it's about the motivation of those in open source: Open source software has enabled large system integrators t...
29 November 2006
Closing in on the Tipping Point
If users are a software company's bread and butter today, developers are the future. That's why Microsoft has built up such an impr...
09 October 2006
God Bless this Contrarian, and All who Sail in Her
There's nothing like a good contrarian for rocking the boat. And with a blog posting entitled "Developers do not matter, Users ev...
04 July 2006
The Dark Side of Eclipse
Eclipse has finished last as far as quality of features are concerned in a survey of developers conducted by Evans Data Corp, and reported ...
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