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29 September 2012
Top Pirate Party Member Has DMCA Takedown Notices Issued In Her Name
Julia Schramm is one of the rising stars of the German Pirate Party: in April, when she was just 27 years old, she was elected to the nat...
07 June 2010
Grokking Green IT - and why Open Source Helps
One of the pardoxes at the heart of computing is that for all its power to improve the world, in one respect it is doing the opposite, thank...
04 January 2010
E-book Industry Gets E-diotic
Learning nothing from the decade-long series of missteps by the music industry, publishers want to repeat that history in all its stupidity...
13 February 2009
O'Reilly's Got Bookworm(s)
To my shame, I'd not come across Bookworm before: Bookworm allows readers to add ePub books to their online library and read them on th...
26 November 2007
Andy Updegrove on the War of the Words
The ODF/OOXML struggle has been one of the pivotal stories for the world of open source, open data and open standards. I've written abo...
18 October 2007
A Library of Open Access Digital Libraries
If you're a fan of digital libraries - and, let's face it, who isn't? - you'll find this mega-list useful, especially becau...
23 November 2006
Turbo Wizpy
A long time ago, TurboLinux was a cool company with a turbo-charged CEO, Cliff Miller. As I wrote in Rebel Code : Born in San Francisco, he...
22 March 2006
Digital Libraries - the Ebook
It seems appropriate that a book about digital libraries has migrated to an online version that is freely available. Digital Libraries - f...
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