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07 August 2011
Patent Absurdity Becomes Absurdly Patent
Something wonderful has happened over the last few weeks: more people have woken up to the threat that patents represent to innovation. I...
14 January 2009
Economising with Open Source
Here's an interesting sign of the times. High-profile economist Dean Baker calls for " Funding for the Development of Open Softwar...
06 June 2008
Open Hardware is...Hard
The Economist does one of its periodic "what's going on in that wacky world of open source" pieces, mercifully not as fundame...
23 January 2008
Mark His Words
Here's a post well worth reading: Yesterday, we saw the most extraordinary failure of economic leadership in recent years, when the US ...
31 July 2007
Farewell, Then, Lughenjo
We went public with Lughenjo four weeks ago, primarily to test our idea on a wider audience. Since then we have continued our conversations ...
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