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30 November 2010
Why I'm Rooting for Microsoft
It will not have escaped your notice that the patent system has been the subject of several posts on this blog, or that the general tenor is...
06 February 2008
Submarines Ahoy
I've not been following the details of the US Patent Reform Act, but this sounds worrying : The Electronic Frontier Foundation supports ...
01 November 2007
Bring on the Fair Use Dolphins
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the unsatisfactory UGC Principles put together by media companies, particularly with regard to the exig...
24 May 2007
Confused Over Novell? You Will Be
This is getting seriously hard to parse : In a surprise announcement earlier today at the Open Source Business Conference, Novell and the El...
23 April 2007
IPRED2: Last Chance to Act
If you are a citizen of the European Union: A coalition of groups representing librarians, consumers' and innovators have come together ...
05 July 2006
Who Ya Gonna Call? Patentbusters!
This blog has lamented often and loudly about the idiotic patents being granted, principally in the US (but with the EU trying very hard to ...
02 May 2006
Will WIPO Wipe the Floor?
This is how the world ends, not with a bang - not with a clash of titans - but with a whimper, in an obscure WIPO committee. The committee...
27 April 2006
Avast There, Landlubbers
Quite .
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