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24 July 2014
Turning Mozilla Thunderbird into a Phoenix
I've always been a big fan of Mozilla's email client, Thunderbird, even when it was unfashionable to admit it. Because, for the ...
23 November 2013
Lavabit's Levison Now Avoids Email Altogether, Has Turned Into A 'Political Activist' Thanks To The NSA
A couple of weeks ago, Mike reported on the extraordinary turn of events involving Edward Snowden's email supplier, Lavabit. The com...
14 April 2013
I Re-send My IPRED Letter to the European Commission
Last week I wrote a letter to the European Commission about the extraordinary failure of the IPRED consultation process. I certainly...
Letter to European Commission on IPRED
Following my post yesterday about the extraordinary failure of the IPRED consultation process, I enclose below my letter sent to the ...
13 October 2012
Snooper's Charter: 19,000 Emails Against, 0 In Favour
Back in August, I urged people to respond to the consultation on the truly dreadful Draft Communications Bill, aka Snooper's Charte...
13 September 2012
Jimmy Wales Threatens To Stymie UK Snooping Plans By Encrypting Wikipedia Connections
The draft bill of the UK's " Snooper's Charter ", which would require ISPs to record key information about every email ...
19 December 2011
Former Tunisian Regime Goes Beyond Spying On Internet Traffic... To Rewriting Emails & More
Most people instinctively appreciate the dangers of government surveillance. But at least it's possible to be on your guard when you ...
06 April 2009
How Can We Save Thunderbird Now Email is Dying?
I like Thunderbird. I've been using it for years, albeit now more as a backup for my Gmail account than as my primary email client. But ...
1 comment:
02 January 2009
Will Go to the Ball this Year?
I remain perplexed by the state of After years of using Word 2 (yes, you read that correctly - by far the best version Micro...
29 October 2008
Jackboot Jacqui Strikes Again
Our dear Home Secretary decides to ignore what we proles think again: His warning follows an admission yesterday by Jacqui Smith that the t...
12 March 2008
The Inventor of Email Uses...Thunderbird
Of course : He uses Thunderbird, an e-mail application developed by Mozilla, the company which distributes the Firefox web browser, but he a...
17 November 2007
Some is Rotten in the State of Copyright
Nicely put : By the end of the day, John has infringed the copyrights of twenty emails, three legal articles, an architectural rendering, a ...
17 September 2007
Give Me a "Y", Give Me a "Z": What Do You Get?
Yahimbra ? Yahoo is set to make yet another acquisition–this time of white-label open-source email provider Zimbra. Sources close to the dea...
06 September 2007
e-Postcard from Number 10
Ooh, look: an email from that nice man at Number 10 about my signing the petition against the Windows-only iPlayer: The Government set up t...
08 August 2007
For many years, the only decent free end-user app was GIMP , and the history of open source on the desktop has been one of gradually filling...
07 August 2007
Patent Joke of the Month
It is, of course, hard to choose from the rather crowded field of contenders, but this one certainly takes the biscuit: An Information and ...
21 July 2007
In Your Face
Has everyone gone Facebook mad? It certainly seems so, and apparently I'm not the only one to think so. But whatever your views of Fa...
14 July 2007
Microsoft's Advertising Framework
This says it all, really: An advertising framework may reside on a user computer, whether it's a part of the OS, an application or inte...
04 July 2007
DomainKeys Identified Mail: A Certain Thing
I'm amazed it's taken so long to come up with this : DKIM uses digital signatures to authenticate messages. These signatures allow y...
25 May 2007
Will This Solve Spam?
State and local governments this week resumed a push to lobby Congress for far-reaching changes on two different fronts: gaining the ability...
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