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03 March 2019
This Could Be The Most Important Email You Will Ever Send To Your MEP
As most people reading this will know by now, the deeply-flawed EU Copyright Directive faces one final vote in the European Parliament soon...
04 July 2018
Countering the Latest Misinformation about the EU Copyright Directive
Tomorrow the European Parliament will vote on whether to send its version of the Copyright Directive text to "trilogues" for fina...
02 July 2018
Please Write a *Short* Email to Your MEPs Today about EU Copyright Directive
A couple of weeks ago, I urged people to write to their MEPs about an important vote in the Legal Affairs committee of the European Parl...
13 June 2018
Please Write to Your MEPs to Stop EU Copyright Directive from Seriously Harming the Internet
Next week, a crucial vote will be held by the Legal Affairs committee of the European Parliament (JURI). It concerns the proposed copyrigh...
29 March 2017
The Copyright Industry's So-Called "Value Gap" Is Actually an Innovation Gap
The is a crucial year for the Internet in Europe, because 2017 will see key decisions made about the shape of copyright law in the EU. Tha...
11 January 2017
Please Write to MEPs on the ENVI Committee About CETA *Today*
There's an important vote by MEPs on the ENVI committee tomorrow about CETA, the trade deal between the EU and Canada . Background on w...
24 April 2016
TTIP Is Dying; Here's How to Help Finish It Off
TTIP is dying : According to the research, "In the United States [today], opinion is split, with 15 percent in favour [of TTIP] and...
02 January 2016
The Rise and Fall of TTIP, As Told in 51 Updates
This year will be make or break for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It is already years behind its original, ho...
26 July 2014
A Rare Invitation To Help Shape European Copyright Law
Back in May last year, we wrote about how the European Commission's "Licences for Europe" initiative had turned into a fias...
25 July 2014
European Commissioner Claims 'Nothing Secret' About TAFTA/TTIP, Tries To Defend Corporate Sovereignty
After lurking in the shadows for a few months, the mega transatlantic trade deal TAFTA/TTIP is starting to hit the mainstream media. Her...
59 Bootleg Beatles Tracks Released Officially -- For All The Wrong Reasons
Back in January, Sony released the 'Bob Dylan Copyright Collection Volume'. As its name shamelessly proclaims, that was purely ...
24 July 2014
European Commission Desperately Tries To Justify Inclusion Of Corporate Sovereignty In TAFTA/TTIP; Fails Dismally
Techdirt has been writing about corporate sovereignty (also known as investor-state dispute settlement -- ISDS) for a year now. Back in ...
Increasing European Moves To Block Access To Websites Accused Of Helping People Infringe Copyrights
In their obsessive war on piracy, the copyright industries have tried various approaches. For a while, the "three strikes and out...
Resistance Grows To Inclusion Of Corporate Sovereignty In Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA)
Remember CETA, the Canada-EU trade agreement, officially known as "Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement"? You could be fo...
TTIP Update VI
In my previous TTIP update , I reported on an extremely important leak about the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which is the...
TTIP Update IV
One of the key issues during the ACTA negotiations was transparency - or rather the lack of it. Despite a few...
Help: EU Net Neutrality Consultation Closes Today
As you may recall, back in September the European Commission finally came out with its proposals for net neutrality, part of its larger...
European Court Of Justice Hands Down Big Win For Transparency in Europe
After a five-year battle by Access Info Europe , Europe's highest court has made an important ruling that will help boost transparency...
EU Data Protection Proposal Gets Stronger, But With Big Loopholes
One of the most important pieces of legislation wending its way through the European Parliament concerns data protection . Because of its...
European Commission: ACTA Is Dead, Long Live ACTA?
The first six months of 2012 saw Europeans taking to the streets in order to kill off ACTA in the European Union. Against all the odds, ...
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