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24 July 2014
German Director Proposes 'One-Stop Shop' For Free, Instant, But Non-Exclusive Licenses To Offer Films Online
It's always heartening to come across new ideas for ways to make creations more widely available to the public while allowing artist...
29 July 2012
Sweded Movies: The Fans Talk Back
One of the defining characteristics of the digital world -- and one of the problems for copyright law, which was conceived in an analog ag...
25 January 2012
Is Using A Piece Of Existing Music In A Film To Underline An Emotion 'Rape' - Or Just The Way Cinema Works?
" The Artist " may have won several Golden Globes, but there's at least one person who apparently hates the film because of s...
17 February 2011
The Economic Consequences of Piracy
I've noted elsewhere that there is a major piece of FUD being put about by content producers: that piracy causes massive damage to a co...
23 July 2010
Welcome to the Troll Economy
It began, perhaps, with SCO's insane attempt to obtain money from IBM and others for alleged infringements of its code. It proceeded w...
28 December 2009
Making Money by Giving Stuff Away
Open source software is obviously extremely interesting to companies from a utilitarian viewpoint: it means they can reduce costs and – more...
16 December 2008
Spot the Disconnect
On the one hand, we have a bunch of people I've never heard of whingeing in the Times : We are very concerned that the successes of the...
04 March 2008
Flash of Inspiration
One of the many flashes of insight that the Asus Eee PC has provided me with is that DVDs are dead. The Eee PC has no CD/DVD drive, but let...
09 December 2007
Sell the Analogue
This is what the film industry *really* makes its money from: new research suggests that the presence of other people may enhance our movie...
31 July 2007
Selling (Digital) Brooklyn Bridges
In a move that seems like a great model of public and private cooperation, the National Archives and have reached a pact under wh...
05 January 2007
London Games Academy?
If you believe, as I do, that there is a general convergence between films, virtual worlds and gaming, then it makes sense to nurture gaming...
29 September 2006
And Now, by an Amazing Coincidence...
A little while back I pointed out at some length how flimsy was the logic found in a white paper that claimed Microsoft's Vista would b...
12 August 2006
Now in Pre-Production: Free Software
I wouldn't normally write about software designed for the world of film and TV industries, but this seems pretty noteworthy. Celtx (pr...
24 July 2006
"Pirates" Redeeming 'Pirates'
I'm not keen on the term 'pirates' when applied to people who copy content; its one of those blatant attempts to pre-empt the de...
20 May 2006
More Moore
There's an interesting discussion going on about the cost of film-making - and whether we are likely to see huge falls from the exorbit...
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