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26 July 2014
NSA Spying Fallout Hits French Satellite Deal
Techdirt has already noted how the NSA's massive spying programs around the world are costing US companies money through lost busine...
23 November 2013
French Farce: Hadopi's First And Only Suspension Has Been Suspended
Back in June we wrote about Hadopi's first and only successful disconnection case. As we also noted then, in the wake of its abject...
Russia's Latest Idea: An Internet Whitelist For Copyright Materials
Now that Sarkozy has been thrown out of office, France is no longer producing the steady stream of bad proposals for the Internet that it...
19 September 2013
First French File-Sharer Sentenced To Disconnection Under Hadopi; But Judgment May Be Unenforceable
As we've noted before, Hadopi has been a colossal failure on just about every metric, and now seems on the way out. But French ta...
14 April 2013
French Politician Wants To Limit How Cheaply Companies Can Sell Goods Online Compared to Physical Shop Prices
A couple of weeks ago, Techdirt wrote about a store that was trying to charge customers $5 for " just looking ", because it fel...
French Intelligence Agency Forces Wikipedia Volunteer to Delete Article; Re-Instated, It Becomes Most-Read Page On French Wikipedia
Last week, we wrote about an organization that was unhappy that a Wikipedia article no longer existed. Now we have the opposite problem...
17 March 2013
French Politicians Worry That Free Creative Commons Works Devalue 'Legal' Offers
As Techdirt noted last year, France has a regrettable habit of dreaming up really bad ideas when it comes to the Internet, most famously...
France Considers Operating System-Level Filtering
Long-time readers will remember the appalling way in which the UK' s Digital Economy Act was brought in - with no research, no debate...
09 March 2013
Europe's 'Database Right' Could Throttle Open Data Moves There
One of the more benighted moves by the European Union was the introduction of a special kind of copyright for databases in 1996: not for...
10 February 2013
French National Library Privatizes Public Domain Materials
Copyright is sometimes described as a bargain between two parties: creators and their public. In return for receiving a government-backe...
France, Cradle Of 'Three Strikes' Punishment, Explores Another Bad Idea: Killing Net Neutrality
Not content with giving the world the "three strikes" approach to copyright enforcement, France has recently shown signs of wan...
Study Shows Educational And Social Harm 'Three Strikes' Punishment Would Cause Young People
One of the extraordinary aspects of the "three strikes" approach to copyright enforcement is its blind vindictiveness. After t...
06 January 2013
French Hadopi Scheme Gutted; Other Bad Ideas To Be Introduced Instead
France's Hadopi graduated response approach, also known as "three strikes", occupies a special place in the annals of copyr...
08 December 2012
Early-Morning Raid Sent To Confiscate 9-Year-Old's Winnie The Pooh Laptop For Downloading Music
One of the biggest problems with the current approach to dealing with alleged copyright infringement is the totally disproportionate natu...
Recording Industry Rep Suggests Parents Should Slap Their Children To Stop Piracy
One of the many problems with the "guilty until proven innocent" approach to tackling unauthorized filesharing is that it's...
13 October 2012
The French Pigeons Are Revolting -- And That's Good
One of the reasons the copyright lobby has been able to get so far with Net-hostile legislation like SOPA/PIPA and treaties like ACTA and...
23 July 2012
French & German Courts Disagree Whether Internet Companies Need To Filter
Recently, Techdirt reported on the ruling by a German court on the issue of filtering -- whether Internet sites have a responsibility to...
23 March 2012
Should There Be A Right To Copyright Exceptions?
Last month I wrote about how the Netherlands is looking to introduce new flexibilities into its copyright laws, based on some interesting ...
25 February 2012
One More Copyright Infringement, And HADOPI Must Disconnect Itself From The Net
The governmental body that oversees France's "three-strikes" law, HADOPI, has already been caught once infringing on the co...
Do You Need Permission To Take A Photo With A Chair In It? You Might In France...
The British Journal of Photography (BJP) brings us yet another story of aggressive assertion of copyright wreaking harm on artists -- the...
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