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28 October 2010
The Limits of Openness?
I've been a long-time fan of the 3D modelling program Blender . No surprise, then, that I've also been delighted to see the Blender...
11 March 2010
WikiPremed: Making Money from Free
The virtues of free are pretty inarguable, but advocating the open release of stuff inevitably begs the question: but how do you make a livi...
01 October 2007
No Free FT, No Comment
›, the Internet version of the Financial Times, is instituting a new model for free and paid content on its website. Starting tomorrow,...
29 August 2007
The Value of Free
Nothing new here for readers of this blog, but good to see others moving in the same direction: I believe we should consider anything we pu...
03 August 2007
On the Open Road
One of the criticisms commonly levelled at free content is that it cannibalises existing paid-for content in a way that is economically unsu...
27 July 2007
The Value of Free Content
One of the constant themes of this blog is that there's plenty of money to be made by giving away things for free. Here's an intere...
30 October 2006
From the Mist
The Citizendium project is nothing if not intriguing. The drip-feed of information about it doesn't hurt in terms of provoking interest...
01 May 2006
The Birth of Free Content
The term "open content" is applied almost universally to materials that are freely available to varying degrees. Its origins der...
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