open source, open genomics, open creation
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22 May 2009
How Open Access Beat the Inquisition
One of the reasons the idea of open access is so powerful is that it plugs straight into the basis of science: that results and methodology ...
31 December 2008
The Commons of Darkness
Those of us who are city-dwellers rarely see much in the sky at night; we have lost the commons of darkness. As a result, to view the terri...
05 October 2007
Why Free Flies - and Galileo Doesn't
Nice little piece by Charles Arthur in the Guardian today that pulls together a bunch of disparate stories (including my Alfresco profile ...
25 November 2006
Eppur Si Muove
Sigh . Italian prosecutors on Friday put two Google Italy representatives under investigation as part of an inquiry into how a video of teen...
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