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25 July 2014
Even the European Commission admits that TAFTA /TTIP is not, primarily, a trade agreeement, because the trade barriers between the EU an...
27 December 2013
TAFTA/TTIP: European Commission Tells Us to "Get the Facts"; Here They Are
Readers with long memories may recall in the dim and distant past that at one time "Get the Facts" was a favourite war-cry of Mic...
20 July 2013
'Intellectual Bulwark' Of Austerity Economics Collapses Because Of Three Major Errors
Amongst economists and those who draw on their thinking, the names Reinhart and Rogoff are well known for work published under the title...
28 December 2006
Thanks a Trillion
The RIAA has done a huge service by taking on the doughty AllofMP3 service. The December 21 lawsuit argues that 11 million songs were all...
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