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23 November 2013
The Canary in the Coal Mine: Groklaw Shuts Down
If you follow me on Twitter or elsewhere, you'll have noticed that I've been tweeting rather extensively about the NSA' s spyi...
18 September 2013
Happy 10th Anniversary, Groklaw
One of the amazing things about free software is how it has managed to succeed against all the odds - and against the combined might of s...
25 August 2009
SCO What?
I'm struck by the almost unanimous chorus of indifference that has greeted the news that a court has reversed one part of an ealier rul...
15 November 2008
Of Lawyers and Software Patents
Regular readers will know that I have a bee in my bonnet about the non-patentability of software, largely because of the fact that software ...
06 October 2008
Microsoft's OOXML Endgame Revealed?
One of the mysteries concerning Microsoft's attempts to deal with the threat ODF poses to its stranglehold on the office suite sector is...
25 June 2008
Where Sun Doesn't Shine
Pamela Jones has been digging through SCO stuff again, and doesn't like what she finds: We learn two primary things from Jones' tes...
16 June 2008
BECTA and the Groklaw Effect
Ha ! Right now Becta ( [the UK agency that snubbed the free software community]
27 January 2008
GNU GPL: It's Irrevocable
I know by now you've seen the notice by the guy claiming to "revoke" the GPL license on his code, because I'm getting emai...
19 November 2007
Asking Ashley
For those following the iPlayer debate, Groklaw has put up perhaps the best interview with Ashley Highfield so far: the long-term alternati...
09 November 2007
Groklaw Interviews Becky Hogge
A couple of days ago I mentioned two key players in the fight to get the BBC to do the right thing over its downloads service. Groklaw has...
02 November 2007
Desperately Seeking Pamela
Groklaw's Pamela Jones is a true eminence grise of the area in the intellectual Venn diagram where computer technology and law intersect...
23 October 2007
Groklaw Begins to Grok the iPlayer
I've written pretty extensively about the scandal that is the BBC iPlayer. The main man fighting the good fight here is the indispensa...
11 August 2007
SCO KO'd, Novell Renewed
Well, we all knew it would happen, and, finally, it has : Judge Dale Kimball has issued a 102-page ruling [PDF] on the numerous summary jud...
04 April 2007
SCO: This Time It's Personal...
...and pathetic . When a company starts harassing someone in this way, you can tell they've given up hope. On the basis of what's h...
1 comment:
30 January 2007
Behind and Beyond Halloween
The publication of the first Halloween memo in 1998 was a pivotal moment in the history of free software. For the first time, it was clea...
21 November 2006
The Beginning of the End for Novell?
This is a characteristically brilliant post from Pam over at Groklaw, particularly in the way it uses the Wayback machine to skewer Novell ...
08 November 2006
From Ransom Love, With Love
One thing I could never understand about the whole SCO affair is how the people at Caldera, which took over SCO, could be in any way part of...
11 July 2006
Microsoft ODF Plugin Story Gets...Richer
When I wrote about Microsoft's announcement that it would be sponsoring a project to create an ODF plugin for its Office product, I sai...
09 May 2006
British "Library", National Disgrace
A stunningly good - and staggeringly depressing - article on Groklaw examines how the British Library has sold its intellectual soul for a...
21 March 2006
Why the GPL Doesn't Need a Test Case
There was an amusing story in Groklaw yesterday, detailing the sorry end of utterly pointless legal action taken against the Free Software ...
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