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27 October 2013
British Library Network Blocks 'Hamlet' For 'Violent Content'
The use of Web blocks -- usually " for the children " -- is becoming depressingly common these days. So much so, that many ...
12 May 2008
Is Microsoft Poisoning its Sea of Troubles?
On Open Enterprise blog .
26 February 2008
An Open Marriage Made in Heaven?
Maybe Microsoft and Yahoo *are* made for each other. After all, both seem to have got the hots for openness - first Microsoft , and now Yah...
19 November 2007
From Remix to Re-enactment
I wrote recently about the remix and it's relevance to an open content world. Here's an interesting exploration of remix's si...
11 January 2007
Openness: To Be, or Not To Be?
If for nothing else, Denmark is notable for two things: Hamlet, and being the seat of the Microsoft's largest European development divis...
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