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23 November 2013
Right2Remix: A Campaign For European Copyright Reform
Back in February we reported on a welcome move by the Dutch government to modify its copyright law so that creative remixes are permitte...
18 September 2013
Dutch Law Would Authorize Police To Hack Into Foreign Computers And Phones: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
When we wrote last year about a Dutch idea to give police there the power to break into computers -- even those located abroad -- we and...
11 November 2012
Dutch Propose Powers For Police To Break Into Computers, Install Spyware And Destroy Data -- Anywhere In The World
Techdirt readers with long memories may recall a fantasy proposal from Orrin Hatch that would have seen technological means deployed to ...
08 July 2010
Free Software Coder Bullied over *Algorithm*
As long-suffering readers of this blog will know, one of the many reasons I am against software patents is that software consists of algorit...
25 February 2010
The Continuing Scandal of Vendor Lock-in
As I've noted many times, one of the big benefits of deploying open source is freedom from lock-in: using open formats that anyone can i...
29 January 2009
More Evidence that File Downloaders Buy *More*
One of the central fallacies in the argument that sharing is bad for business is the idea that every file downloaded is a sale lost. In fac...
08 April 2008
OOXML a No-No for Some Countries, Anyway
Here's an intriguing hint of what may be to come, in Europe at least. First, in Belgium and Holland : Belgium and the Netherlands will n...
03 April 2008
Meet the New Governor: Open Source
Everyone knows that government is dull - dull, but very, very important. So a couple of recent moves in this dull but important world seem ...
26 February 2008
Open Enterprise Interview: Ivo Jansch
On Open Enterprise blog .
21 January 2008
Security by Obscurity? I Don't Think So
Great post by Ed Felten about the complete mess the Dutch authorities have made of their new $2 billion transit card system, which, it seem...
16 January 2008
Free Knowledge Institute
More reinforcements are arriving all the time: The Free Knowledge Institute ( is an initiative from three Amsterdam-ba...
14 December 2007
Going (Double) Dutch
How can I not link to this post , since it not only spreads the good news about the Dutch government's move to open source, but even wea...
13 July 2007
The Word on the (Dutch) Street: OpenTaal
This is obviously good news , but I can't help finding the idea of an "official" spelling list rather quaint: The OpenTaal pro...
25 April 2007
EU + IPRED2 = EUdiots
What were they thinking ? The European Parliament today accepted the IP Criminal Measures directive after its first reading in a vote of 374...
1 comment:
21 July 2006 Goes Dutch
Just in time for Rembrandt 's 400th birthday , here's some good news from Holland: De gemeente Groningen heeft besloten om een over...
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