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human genome project
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Showing posts with label
human genome project
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20 July 2013
Public Domain Human Genome Project Generated More Research And More Commercial Activity Than Proprietary Competitor
Traditionally, there has been a blithe assumption that more innovation occurs when patents are granted than when they are not. But as T...
28 April 2011
Damaging the DNA of Science
Here's a sad story , but not for the reason you might expect: Developing therapies from human embryonic stem cells is under threat in Eu...
06 October 2009
Postcodes: Royal Fail
Here's a perfect example of why intellectual commons should not be enclosed. The UK Postcode data set is obviously crucial information f...
21 July 2009
Has Google Forgotten Celera?
One of the reasons I wrote my book Digital Code of Life was that the battle between the public Human Genome Project and the privately-funde...
14 May 2009
The Common Thread: Open Data, Open Access
Sir John Sulston is one of this country's - and the world's - heroes. Already a one-time Nobel prize winner for his work on worms (...
07 July 2008
A New Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation
One of the most remarkable men around today is Sir John Sulston. He's already won a Nobel Prize for his work on nematode worms/apoptos...
12 October 2007
Copyright Olympics
Good to see an eminent writer getting it: It's not just that the idea of copyrighting an entry in the English dictionary, or someone...
14 June 2007
Access to Knowledge is Dangerous
Apparently : Although the idea of discussions on a Treaty on Access to Knowledge appears to have strong support in the African Group, Asian ...
13 February 2007
Novartis Does Open Genomics
It's happening , slowly: Novartis, the Basel, Switzerland, drug giant, has helped uncover which of the 20,000 genes identified by the Hu...
27 September 2006
Open Access to the Origins of Language
New Scientist reports : Linguists are calling for an online public database, similar to the human genome project, that would allow research...
17 July 2006
The World's First Open Source Man
The genome – the totality of DNA found in practically every cell in our body - is a kind of computer program, stored on 23 pairs of biologic...
18 May 2006
And the First Shall Be Last
It is done: the last unsequenced human chromosome - which happens to be the first in terms of size and hence numbering - has finally been ...
04 April 2006
Coughing Genomic Ink
One of the favourite games of scholars working on ancient texts that have come down to us from multiple sources is to create a family tree o...
16 March 2006
The Power of Open Genomics
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has announced the latest round of meg...
27 January 2006
Personal Genomics...but Not Yet
A new X-prize , this time for exploring inner rather than outer space, has been announced . To win the prize money, all you have to do is s...
12 December 2005
Going to the Dogs
My heart leapt last week upon seeing the latest issue of Nature magazine. The front cover showed the iconic picture of Watson and Crick, ...
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