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29 March 2017
The Copyright Industry's So-Called "Value Gap" Is Actually an Innovation Gap
The is a crucial year for the Internet in Europe, because 2017 will see key decisions made about the shape of copyright law in the EU. Tha...
25 July 2014
Bringing Transparency Back To The Patent System With 'Innovation Cartography'
As Techdirt has noted many times, the patent system is broken, and in various ways. One major problem is the way it inhibits innovation, ...
23 November 2013
How Network Neutrality Promotes Innovation
As I've pointed out many times in previous posts, one of the key benefits of mandating network neutrality is that it promotes innovat...
19 September 2013
WIPO: Informal Economy Innovates In The Absence Of Intellectual Monopolies
One of the problems with the debates around copyright and patents is that they too often assume that intellectual monopolies are necessar...
14 April 2013
Here's Another Inventor Who Willingly Gave Away His Greatest Idea In Order To Establish It As A Global Standard
Beyond the fact that you are using it to read these words, the Web has undeniably had a major impact on a large part of the world's p...
31 March 2013
India Says: 'There Is No Direct Correlation Between IP And Innovation'
Techdirt has been pointing out for years that more patents is not the same thing as more innovation, even though many around the world w...
10 March 2013
Chinese Junk Patents Flood Into Australia, Allowing Chinese Companies To Strategically Block Innovation
Techdirt has been writing for a while about China's policy of providing incentives to file patents -- regardless of whether those pat...
29 September 2012
Why Computer Companies Should Copy The Fashion Industry
Techdirt has had many posts pointing out that the huge and vibrant fashion industry is a perfect demonstration that you don't need mon...
29 July 2011
Why Defensive Patents are a Contradiction in Terms
I've been writing about why software patents are bad from every viewpoint for far too long, but I'm heartened by the recent upswing ...
20 July 2011
Myhrvold Hoist By His Own (Patented) Petard
There's a column doing the rounds at the moment that is generating some interest. It comes from the King of the Patent Trolls, Nathan ...
15 April 2011
Brain Institute's Clever Move
One of the more unexpected interests of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is the Allen Human Brain Atlas : Using an innovative approach to hum...
06 April 2011
How Gene Patents Cause Suffering
Here's a textbook case of how gene patents not only do *not* promote innovation, as is so frequently claimed, but slow it down - and wi...
04 March 2011
Putting China on the Innovation Map
Rather patronisingly, the West has tended to regard China as little better than a copy-cat in advanced technologies, not least on the Web. ...
09 November 2010
A Patent No-brainer, Mr Willetts
There has been understandable excitement over David Cameron's announcement - out of the blue - that the UK government would be looking a...
07 June 2010
Why the iPhone Cannot Keep up with Android
Although I have never owned an iPhone, nor even desired one, I do recognise that it has redefined the world of smartphones. In that sense, ...
16 April 2010
Darkness Visible: Making Patent Absurdity Patent
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that I write a lot about software patents. The reason is simple: they represent probably the g...
25 March 2010
Cameron as Future Avatar of Film Industry
For some months now, I've been touting "Avatar" as a good example of how the film industry should be concentrating on enhancin...
15 February 2010
Something Happened: Where's Microsoft?
As you may have heard, last week there was a bit of kerfuffle over Google's Buzz and its implications for privacy. And Google has respon...
04 February 2010
ACTA Goes on the Charm Offensive
Sorry to rattle on about ACTA, but it seems there's something of a concerted campaign to "counter" all the noise we little peo...
26 November 2009
Who Owns Science? The Manchester Manifesto
One of my heroes, Sir John Sulston, has a piece in the Guardian today with the intriguing headline "How science is shackled by intell...
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