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18 April 2012
How Microsoft Fought True Open Standards II
In yesterday's post about Microsoft's lobbying of the Cabinet Office against truly open standards based on RF licensing, I spent...
05 April 2010
Where and Whither Mozilla?
The importance of Mozilla and its Firefox browser went up a notch last week. For it was then that it became clear that Microsoft has little ...
02 April 2010
Microsoft's Gift to Open Standards
Long-time readers of this blog will recall the bitter fight over the submission of Microsoft's OOXML formats to the ISO. To the dismay o...
11 February 2010
British Library Helps Lock Down More Knowledge
It has been a sad spectacle to see the British Library – without doubt once the greatest library in the world, and hence a powerful force fo...
01 July 2009
Help Me Go Mano a Mano with Microsoft
Next week, I'm taking part in a debate with a Microsoft representative about the passage of the OOXML file format through the ISO proces...
19 June 2009
ODF and the Art of Interoperability
It's hard to believe that there was such sound and fury when OOXML was being pushed through the ISO process. At the time, it seemed like...
30 April 2009
Whatever Happened to OOXML?
Remember Open Office XML – a name chosen to be as confusingly close to OpenOffice XML as possible – better known as OOXML? Remember how just...
11 March 2009
Open Science, Closed Source
One of the things that disappoints me is the lack of understanding of what's at stake with open source among some of the other open comm...
16 December 2008
Yoruba: Free Software's Shame
One of the advantages of free software that I've often touted is the ability to produce localised versions in situations where Microsoft...
03 December 2008
German Federal Government to Support ODF
Nicht slecht : Der IT-Rat der Bundesregierung hat beschlossen, das offene Dokumentenformat ODF (ISO 26300) in der Bundesverwaltung schrittwe...
07 October 2008
Opening Up ISO's Can of Worms
Nothing shows better what is wrong with the ISO, and why we need to replace it with a new global standards organisation, than the following ...
06 October 2008
Microsoft's OOXML Endgame Revealed?
One of the mysteries concerning Microsoft's attempts to deal with the threat ODF poses to its stranglehold on the office suite sector is...
02 October 2008
Norwegians Get the Blues
A little while back I noted a provocative call from IBM for standards bodies to do better – a clear reference to the ISO's handling of O...
23 September 2008
IBM Fires a Shot Across the ISO's Bows
I've written before about the parlous state into which the once-irreproachable ISO has fallen, particularly with its flagrant disregard ...
02 September 2008
The Beginning of the End for the ISO?
Yesterday I was urging people to submit comments on the EU's interoperability framework. I mentioned that one of the important issues in...
01 September 2008
Write to Them: European Interoperability Framework v2
I've noted before that writing to MPs/MEPs seems to be remarkably effective in terms of generating a response. The naïve among us might ...
15 August 2008
ISO's Day of Shame
So ISO has decided it wants to be irrelevant : The two ISO and IEC technical boards have given the go-ahead to publish ISO/IEC DIS 29500, In...
02 July 2008
Defending Openness in the European Union
In Open Enterprise blog .
10 June 2008
I Came, ISO, I Didn't Conquer
The OOXML farce continues : Four national standards body members of ISO and IEC – Brazil, India, South Africa and Venezuela – have submitted...
23 May 2008
ISO Appeal: South Africa Rises to the Challenge
On Open Enterprise blog .
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