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25 July 2014
Italy's Communications Watchdog Assigns Itself Extrajudicial Powers To Order ISPs To Stop Copyright Infringement
The last six months have seen a fierce debate in Italy over a proposal by the Italian communications watchdog Agcom to grant itself wide-...
27 October 2013
Survey: Most Italian Internet Users Think Ignoring Copyright Harms Publishers, But Not Society As A Whole
One of the heartening recent developments in the world of digital copyright is that we have moved on from manifestly biased surveys about...
20 July 2013
Leading Italian Film Producer Calls For $16 Billion Lawsuit Against Italian State For Alleged Inaction Against Piracy
Last year we wrote about EMI suing the Irish government for having the temerity not to pass a SOPA-Like censorship law. That truly ex...
Italy's Great Leap Forward for Openness?
Different countries are moving at different speeds in terms of governmental adoption of free software, open data and openness in general...
08 December 2012
Italian Public Prosecutor Says File-Sharing Site Is 'Receiving Stolen Goods'
Sites that share unauthorized copies of various kinds of digital files are hardly news, and neither are attempts to shut them down. But ...
23 July 2012
Italian Local Government Warms to Open Source
There is a natural tendency to concentrate on what is happening locally, and so most of the stories here on Open Enterprise are about wha...
27 April 2012
Italian 'Blog Killer' Law Rises From the Grave
As if Italians didn't have enough problems, it seems that their government is trying to sneak through a proposal supposedly designed to...
21 November 2011
Of Open Data Startups and Open Businesses
Last week I was invited to talk at the South Tyrol Free Software Conference which took place in northern Italy, in the city of Bolzano (d...
05 October 2011
Access To Italian Wikipedia Blocked In Protest Of Wiretapping Bill In Italy
If you go to the Italian version of Wikipedia , you will not find a gateway to 847,000 articles in that language, but (at the time of writi...
18 January 2011
Of China, Piracy and Open Source
A few months ago, I spent quite a few words disembowelling a BSA report on piracy that made some highly-simplistic assumptions and calculati...
29 November 2010
Dissecting the Italian Non-Squirrel
A couple of days ago I wrote about the deal between the regional government of Puglia and Microsoft, noting that it was frustrating that we...
27 November 2010
How To Say "Ooh, Look, a Squirrel" in Italian
There's a nice little argument bubbling away over in the south of Italy. It concerns the decision of Nichi Vendola, the president of Pug...
30 March 2010
Italian Court OKs Preference for Open Source
Here's a big win for open source: the Italian Constitutional Court has approved a law in Piedmont giving preference to open source, rul...
19 February 2010
Trains of Thought...
I love travelling by train. In my youth, I bought Interail passes for many years, and basically lived on trains for a month, wending my way...
18 May 2009
Transparently Wrong
At a time when transparency – or lack of it – is in the air, here's another demonstration of how not to do it, this time from the Europe...
10 March 2009
South Korea Joins the "Three Strikes" Club
For years, the content industries having been trying to get laws passed that would stop people sharing files. For years they failed. And t...
24 November 2008
Microsoft in the Land of the Mafia
Some suspicious lack of transparency here : The Italian open source advocacy group Associazione per il Software Libero is protesting two mem...
28 October 2008
La Bell'Italia
Italy is famous for its glorious art, fine food, and friendly people; maybe we should add “enlightened uptake of open source” to that list. ...
16 October 2008
The Forecast Looks Good for
› has always been something a Cinderella in the free software world. Partly this is because it started out as a proprietary pro...
06 October 2008 Breaks Records Everywhere
All around the world, it seems, people just can't get enough of this amazing free office suite, which is now turning in serious market s...
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