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28 October 2011
Mozilla's Brendan Eich on JavaScript - and Microsoft Buying Netscape
It seems so long ago now, but for those of us lucky enough (and old enough) to have been there, the launch of Netscape's 0.9 version o...
12 November 2010
Google Bowls a Googly
One of the most shocking aspects of Oracle's lawsuit against Google alleging patent and copyright infringement was its unexpected nature...
16 August 2010
Oracle Scorns Open Source: How to Respond?
This was bound to happen, of course. Things were going too well. At a time when Google is activating 200,000 Android phones a day, and Andro...
28 June 2010
Has Oracle Been a Disaster for Sun's Open Source?
Companies based around open source are still comparatively young. So it remains an open question what happens to them in the long term. As o...
04 February 2010
The Great Oracle Experiment
So, it finally happened: We are pleased to announce that Oracle has completed its acquisition of Sun Microsystems and Sun is now a wholly ow...
22 April 2009
A Timeline of Microsoft Hurt
I've often written about particular instances where Microsoft has bullied competitors; it's a pretty sorry tale. But that story bec...
24 March 2009
And RMS Spake, and it Was Good
As well as being a great coder, RMS is a fine writer (he made a number of excellent suggestions when I sent him rough drafts of the relevant...
05 February 2009
Fortify Jumps on the Meta Open Source Bandwagon
I've already noted my scepticism with regard to the Tories' pledge to go open. Although I applaud a move away from an increasingly c...
12 January 2009
Corporate IT Skills in an Open Source World
It's a given on this blog that open source is changing the world of computing. But what about the IT skills required to flourish in that...
25 September 2008
Want to Open Flash? Ask Sun How
I'm not the world's biggest fan of Flash, but there's no denying an open version would at least be better than a closed one. He...
29 July 2008
Open Domotics
Marc Fleury has already written computer history once when he set up JBoss with a new model of holding all the copyright in the code - hithe...
07 May 2008
Open Enterprise Interview: Mike Milinkovich
On Open Enterprise blog .
03 April 2008
Open Enterprise Interview: Jeff Haynie
On Open Enterprise blog .
18 March 2008
Time for Sun to Join the Eclipse Empire?
On Open Enterprise blog .
11 December 2007
What Richard Stallman Wants for Christmas
Bruce Byfield has an interesting write-up of the FSF's High Priority Free Software Projects . Projects make this list "because the...
04 December 2007
What Does This Mean for NetBeans?
NetBeans has always been something of a mystery to me. I'd always regarded it as the runner-up IDE for Java, after Eclipse. But it...
06 November 2007
The Java Phoenix
What a difference a year makes. In 2006, Java was looking distinctly long in the tooth. Widely used, yes, but hardly an exciting technology...
27 June 2007
Eclipse Eclipses Itself
As I wrote over a year ago, Eclipse is really open source's best-kept secret. Today, the best got even better : The Eclipse Foundatio...
09 May 2007
Free !
19 April 2007
Feisty Fawn Goes to Java (or Vice Versa)
Simon Phipps writes : The news is that a full Java developer stack with tools is available from today in the Multiverse repository for Ubunt...
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